20 Interview Questions (and Sample Answers!) for a Planned Giving Representative

Donor Relations

By Jeremy Reis

If you’re looking to hire a Planned Giving Representative, you want to ensure that they are well-versed in the field and have the necessary skills to excel in their role. One of the most effective ways to gauge a candidate’s knowledge and experience is through the interview process. However, crafting the right questions to ask can be challenging. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 20 interview questions for a Planned Giving Representative, along with sample answers. These questions cover a range of topics, from fundraising strategies to donor relationships, and will give you a better sense of the candidate’s qualifications and potential fit for your organization. So, let’s dive in!

1. How do you identify potential planned giving donors, and what criteria do you use to prioritize them?

Explanation: This question will help you assess the candidate’s strategic thinking and ability to prioritize donors based on their capacity and willingness to make a planned gift.

Sample Answer: “I use a variety of methods to identify potential planned giving donors, including prospect research, donor database analysis, and referrals from board members and major gift officers. Once I have a list of potential donors, I prioritize them based on their capacity to make a gift, their level of engagement with our organization, and their personal connection to our mission.”

2. How do you tailor your approach to planned giving based on the different motivations and preferences of individual donors?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to personalize their approach to planned giving based on the donor’s unique circumstances and interests.

Sample Answer: “When working with potential planned giving donors, I always take the time to understand their motivations and preferences. For example, some donors may be more interested in leaving a legacy, while others may be motivated by the tax benefits of making a planned gift. By tailoring my approach to each donor’s individual interests, I am able to build stronger relationships and ultimately secure more gifts.”

Learn about how to send planned giving emails.

3. Can you give an example of a successful planned giving campaign you have led or contributed to in the past?

Explanation: This question will help you assess the candidate’s experience with planning and executing planned giving campaigns.

Sample Answer: “At my previous organization, I led a planned giving campaign that focused on building relationships with our long-time donors and educating them about the benefits of making a planned gift. We used a combination of direct mail, email, and personalized outreach to connect with donors, and we were able to secure several significant planned gifts as a result. Overall, the campaign exceeded our fundraising goals and helped to build stronger relationships with our donors.”

4. How do you measure the success of your planned giving program, and what metrics do you track?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s analytical skills and their ability to measure and report on the effectiveness of their planned giving program.

Sample Answer: “I measure the success of our planned giving program by tracking several key metrics, including the number of planned gifts secured, the total value of planned gifts, the conversion rate of planned giving prospects, and the retention rate of planned giving donors. By regularly reviewing and analyzing these metrics, I am able to identify areas of strength and weakness in our program and make data-driven decisions to improve our results.”

5. How do you collaborate with other departments, such as major gifts or marketing, to maximize the impact of your planned giving program?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to work collaboratively with other teams and integrate their planned giving efforts into the broader fundraising strategy.

Sample Answer: “I believe that collaboration is key to the success of any fundraising program, and I work closely with other departments to ensure that our planned giving efforts are aligned with the organization’s overall fundraising goals. For example, I collaborate with major gifts officers to identify donors who may be interested in making a planned gift, and I work with marketing to develop messaging and materials that promote planned giving opportunities. By working together, we are able to maximize the impact of our fundraising efforts.”

6. How do you handle objections or concerns from donors who are hesitant to make a planned gift?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to overcome objections and address concerns in a respectful and effective manner.

Sample Answer: “When working with donors who are hesitant to make a planned gift, I take the time to listen to their concerns and understand their perspective. I then provide them with information and resources that address their concerns and show them how a planned gift can benefit both them and our organization. For example, if a donor is concerned about the impact of a planned gift on their family, I may suggest involving their family in the decision-making process and emphasizing the tax benefits of a planned gift. By addressing their concerns and providing them with personalized guidance, I am able to build trust and ultimately secure more gifts.”

7. How do you maintain relationships with planned giving donors over time, and what strategies do you use to steward these gifts?

Explanation: This question will help you assess the candidate’s ability to build and maintain strong relationships with planned giving donors, as well as their knowledge of effective stewardship strategies.

Sample Answer: “Maintaining relationships with planned giving donors requires ongoing communication and stewardship. I stay in regular contact with these donors, providing them with updates on our organization’s progress and thanking them for their support. I also involve them in our events and programs, and offer them opportunities to engage with our mission in meaningful ways. In terms of stewardship, I ensure that each planned giving donor receives personalized recognition and appreciation, and that their gift is used in a way that aligns with their wishes and our organization’s goals.”

8. How do you stay up-to-date on developments and trends in the planned giving field, and how do you incorporate this knowledge into your work?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, as well as their ability to incorporate new knowledge and trends into their work.

Sample Answer: “Staying up-to-date on developments and trends in the planned giving field is essential to my work. I attend conferences and workshops, read industry publications and blogs, and network with other planned giving professionals. I also collaborate with other departments in our organization to share knowledge and stay informed about the latest fundraising strategies. By incorporating this knowledge into my work, I am able to continuously improve our planned giving program and achieve better results.”

9. How do you cultivate relationships with estate planning attorneys and other professionals who may refer potential planned giving donors to our organization?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders outside of the organization.

Sample Answer: “Building relationships with estate planning attorneys and other professionals is a key part of my work as a planned giving representative. I attend professional events and conferences to network with these professionals, and I offer them educational resources and materials that can help them advise their clients on planned giving opportunities. By building trust and rapport with these professionals, I am able to secure more referrals and ultimately increase the impact of our planned giving program.”

10. Can you walk us through your process for working with a donor to create a charitable gift annuity?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s knowledge of specific planned giving vehicles and their ability to guide donors through the gift planning process.

Sample Answer: “When working with a donor to create a charitable gift annuity, I first determine if this is the right planned giving vehicle for their needs and goals. I then explain the mechanics of the annuity and provide the donor with an illustration of how it works in practice. We work together to determine the amount of the gift and the payout rate, and I ensure that all legal and tax considerations are taken into account. Once the annuity is established, I continue to steward the donor and provide them with ongoing updates and communication.”

11. How do you use technology and data to support your planned giving efforts?

Explanation: This question will help you assess the candidate’s comfort and proficiency with using technology and data to support fundraising efforts.

Sample Answer: “Technology and data are essential tools for supporting planned giving efforts. I use our donor database and other fundraising software to track and analyze donor information, and to create targeted outreach and communication plans. I also use digital platforms, such as social media and email marketing, to promote planned giving opportunities and reach potential donors. By using technology and data to support our planned giving efforts, we are able to work more efficiently and effectively, and achieve better results.”

12. Can you give an example of a difficult situation you encountered in your work as a planned giving representative, and how you resolved it?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s problem-solving skills and their ability to handle challenging situations with tact and professionalism.

Sample Answer: “One difficult situation I encountered was with a donor who was interested in making a planned gift, but had concerns about how their gift would be used. I took the time to listen to their concerns and understand their perspective, and then worked with our organization’s leadership to develop a plan that addressed their concerns and aligned with our mission. By communicating clearly and respectfully with the donor, and collaborating with others in our organization, we were able to overcome this challenge and secure a significant planned gift.”

13. How do you balance short-term and long-term planned giving goals, and ensure that both are being met?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to balance competing priorities and manage their time effectively.

Sample Answer: “Balancing short-term and long-term goals is a key part of my work as a planned giving representative. I prioritize my work based on the organization’s overall fundraising goals, while also taking into account the unique needs and interests of individual donors. I regularly review our progress and adjust our strategies as needed to ensure that we are meeting both short-term and long-term goals.”

14. How do you collaborate with your organization’s board of directors to promote planned giving and secure major gifts?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to work with board members and engage them in fundraising efforts.

Sample Answer: “Collaborating with the board of directors is a critical part of my work as a planned giving representative. I regularly communicate with board members about our planned giving efforts and the impact of these gifts on our organization’s mission. I also involve board members in our outreach and cultivation efforts, and provide them with opportunities to engage with potential donors. By working together, we are able to maximize the impact of our fundraising efforts and build stronger relationships with donors.”

15. Can you give an example of a planned giving opportunity that you identified and successfully promoted to donors?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to identify and promote new planned giving opportunities.

Sample Answer: “One planned giving opportunity that I successfully promoted to donors was a charitable remainder trust. I identified this as a potential opportunity based on our donors’ preferences and financial circumstances, and worked with our legal and financial advisors to develop a plan that met their needs. I then promoted this opportunity through targeted outreach and education, and was able to secure several significant gifts as a result.”

16. How do you balance the needs and preferences of individual donors with the overall goals and priorities of your organization?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to navigate competing priorities and find a balance between individual and organizational goals.

Sample Answer: “Balancing the needs and preferences of individual donors with the overall goals of our organization requires careful communication and collaboration. I always take the time to understand the donor’s motivations and goals, and then work with them to find a planned giving opportunity that meets their needs while also aligning with our organization’s mission and priorities. By building trust and rapport with donors, and being transparent about our goals and priorities, we are able to find a balance that works for everyone.”

17. How do you measure the effectiveness of your outreach and cultivation strategies for planned giving prospects?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to analyze and adjust their outreach and cultivation strategies based on data and metrics.

Sample Answer: “Measuring the effectiveness of our outreach and cultivation strategies for planned giving prospects requires careful analysis and tracking of key metrics, such as response rates, conversion rates, and retention rates. I regularly review these metrics and adjust our strategies as needed to improve our results. For example, if we find that a certain outreach tactic is not resonating with our audience, we may adjust our messaging or try a different approach. By constantly testing and evaluating our strategies, we are able to achieve better outcomes and build stronger relationships with donors.”

18. How do you communicate the impact of planned giving to donors, and ensure that they feel connected to your organization’s mission?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s ability to effectively communicate the impact of planned giving and build strong relationships with donors.

Sample Answer: “Communicating the impact of planned giving to donors requires ongoing engagement and stewardship. I ensure that each planned giving donor receives personalized communication that highlights the impact of their gift on our organization’s mission and programs. I also involve donors in our events and activities, and provide them with opportunities to see the impact of their gift firsthand. By building these strong relationships, we are able to deepen donor loyalty and secure more planned gifts over time.”

19. Can you share your experience with legacy societies or other donor recognition programs for planned giving donors?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s experience with donor recognition and stewardship programs.

Sample Answer: “Legacy societies and other recognition programs are an important part of planned giving stewardship. I have experience developing and managing these programs, and ensuring that each donor receives personalized recognition and appreciation for their gift. I also collaborate with other departments to integrate these programs into our overall donor recognition strategy, and ensure that planned giving donors receive the appropriate level of recognition for their commitment to our organization’s mission.”

20. How do you evaluate and manage risks associated with planned giving, such as legal and financial considerations?

Explanation: This question will help you evaluate the candidate’s understanding of the legal and financial implications of planned giving, and their ability to manage these risks effectively.

Sample Answer: “Managing the legal and financial risks associated with planned giving requires a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, as well as a strong network of legal and financial advisors. I ensure that each planned giving opportunity is carefully vetted and reviewed by these professionals, and that all legal and tax considerations are taken into account. By prioritizing transparency and due diligence, we are able to minimize risks and ensure that our planned giving program operates smoothly and effectively.”

Hiring a skilled and experienced Planned Giving Representative is crucial for the success of any nonprofit organization. By asking the right interview questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of a candidate’s expertise and suitability for the role. We hope that our list of 20 interview questions, along with sample answers, has provided you with valuable insights into the skills, knowledge, and qualities required of a top-performing Planned Giving Representative. Remember to tailor your questions to your organization’s specific needs and values, and always take the time to thoroughly evaluate candidates before making a hiring decision. With these tips in mind, we wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect Planned Giving Representative for your nonprofit!