Nonprofit Answers Podcast

Helping You Raise More Money to Help More People

Welcome to the Nonprofit Answers Podcast where we answer your nonprofit marketing and fundraising questions. From acquiring new donors to nurturing long-term donor relationships, we’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Hi, I’m Jeremy Reis, your Nonprofit Answers host. I’m the VP of Marketing at CRISTA Ministries, leading our direct response, radio, events, digital, and other fundraising initiatives. CRISTA is a family of five ministries including World Concern, an international relief and development organization. In my role, I face many of the same challenges you do and have to make decisions on how to raise the most funds, develop the deepest relationships, and market our organization with limited money, people and resources. In this podcast, I’ll answer your questions on nonprofit marketing and fundraising to help you raise the most money possible to help the most people you can.

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Nonprofit Answers Episodes

Episode 47 – How Can I Find More Corporate Sponsors for My Nonprofit?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, Jeremy Reis takes a deep dive into the world of corporate partnerships, offering nonprofit professionals invaluable insights on how to find and secure corporate sponsors.

Episode 46 – Should I Get a Nonprofit Fundraising Certification?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, host Jeremy Reis explores the pros and cons of obtaining a nonprofit fundraising certification. As certifications in the nonprofit sector gain popularity, Jeremy breaks down the benefits, such as enhanced credibility, expanded knowledge, and valuable networking opportunities. He also addresses the potential downsides, including the cost, time commitment, and … Read more

Episode 45: How Do I Elevate Planned Giving Conversations?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, I jump into the art of planned giving conversations and how to make them more impactful and successful.

Episode 44 – How do I write a fundraising strategy?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, we explore the Three Question Fundraising Framework to help fundraisers simplify their approach to creating a successful fundraising strategy.

Episode 43 – How do we communicate a common message in a variety of channels?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, we explore the challenge of communicating a common message across multiple channels, such as mail, email, web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more.

Episode 42 – How Can Nonprofits Use Innovative Strategies to Boost Monthly Giving?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, listeners will learn about creative approaches to monthly giving for nonprofits, including storytelling, gamification, and peer-to-peer fundraising.

Episode 41 – How Do You Keep Monthly Donors Engaged and Giving?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, we explore strategies for retaining monthly donors, including effective communication, personalized engagement, and creative recognition.

Episode 40 – What are the Key Steps to Starting a Successful Monthly Giving Program?

In this episode, we discuss the importance of monthly giving for nonprofit fundraising, and provide practical guidance on how to start a successful monthly giving program.

Episode 39 – How do I choose an email service provider?

An email service provider (ESP) is a company that enables organizations to send out mass emails.  If you’ve ever signed up for a newsletter or clicked “subscribe” to receive updates from a website, chances are you’ve used an ESP. Learn how to pick the right ESP.

Episode 38 – Effective Calls to Action

Listen to episode 38 of Nonprofit Answers to learn about effective calls-to-action and motivate your donors to great conversion.

Episode 37 – 5 Great Year-End Fundraising Campaigns

The holidays are on their way, and it’s time to start thinking about the year end fundraising. Whether you want to increase your donations, get new donors involved or create some buzz around your organization with a campaign that will last until the end of the year, there are plenty of ideas that will work for you. Here are five great ones!

Episode 36 – 10 Tips for Successful Year End Fundraising

For many nonprofits, year end fundraising is crucial for success. As a fundraiser, this can also be a stressful time of year. In this episode, we explore ten tips to making your year end fundraising a success! Learn everything from planning to follow up.