Nonprofit Answers Podcast

Helping You Raise More Money to Help More People

Welcome to the Nonprofit Answers Podcast where we answer your nonprofit marketing and fundraising questions. From acquiring new donors to nurturing long-term donor relationships, we’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Hi, I’m Jeremy Reis, your Nonprofit Answers host. I’m the VP of Marketing at CRISTA Ministries, leading our direct response, radio, events, digital, and other fundraising initiatives. CRISTA is a family of five ministries including World Concern, an international relief and development organization. In my role, I face many of the same challenges you do and have to make decisions on how to raise the most funds, develop the deepest relationships, and market our organization with limited money, people and resources. In this podcast, I’ll answer your questions on nonprofit marketing and fundraising to help you raise the most money possible to help the most people you can.

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Nonprofit Answers Episodes

Episode 28 – How Do I Move Affinity from a Staff Member to the Organization?

What do you do if the affinity the donor has isn’t for your organization but for a staff member? Learn how to transition a donor’s loyalty from a person to your organization.

Episode 27 – How to Acquire More Digital Donors

You must acquire new donors to survive. How many donors do you lose a year? Figuring out your donor attrition rate is a crucial metric that can determine the longevity of your charity. If you aren’t acquiring enough new donors to make up for the ones you lose, your nonprofit’s revenue will start to decline.

Episode 26 – How to Get More Attendees for Your Fundraising Event

For many nonprofits, fundraising events are a key to their annual development plan. In this episode, you will learn how to increase attendance for your events and how to best structure the event for maximum fundraising.

Episode 025 – Predictions for Fundraising in 2019

In this episode, you’ll learn 19 predictions Jeremy has for fundraising and nonprofit innovation in 2019.

Episode 024 – Create an Engaging Nonprofit Annual Report

In this episode, Jeremy explains how to create a great nonprofit annual report. You’ll learn who the target audience is for the annual report, 5 goals for your annual report, and how to create an annual report your donors will love.

Episode 023 – How to Write a Great Fundraising Appeal

Though there isn’t a perfect formula for a charity fundraising appeal, Jeremy walks through a proven formula that will get you results.

Episode 022 – How to Build and Maintain Donor Relationships

Building and maintaining donor relationships is the lifeblood of any nonprofit organization. You will learn why building relationships with donors is important, how your current definition of donor relationship may be wrong, and how different donor audiences need different types of relationship building techniques.

Episode 021 – Nonprofit Startup Funding

Whether you’re at a brand new nonprofit, are revamping a fundraising program, or need creative ideas for fundraising for a new campaign or project, this episode will give you actionable fundraising ideas.

Episode 020 – Donor Psychology – What moves someone to donate? Part 2

In this second part of a two part series on donor psychology, you will learn the reasons why people give. Jeremy has identified 15 different psychological triggers that moves someone to donate to your nonprofit. In this episode, Jeremy explains the second 7 motivations, or donor psychological triggers, that help someone make a decision to give to your nonprofit.

Episode 019 – Donor Psychology – What moves someone to donate? Part 1

In this second episode of a special series of fundraising education, you will learn donor psychology and the reasons why people give. Jeremy has identified 15 different psychological triggers that moves someone to donate to your nonprofit. In this episode, Jeremy explains the first 8 motivations, or donor psychological triggers, that help someone make a decision to give to your nonprofit. This is a fascinating look at why people give and how you can change your messaging or produce events that create more donors. For major donors, general donors, and monthly donors.

Episode 018 – Nonprofit Donor Motivations

Recently, my 15 year old daughter Emily has shown interest in nonprofit marketing and fundraising. In this special series of Nonprofit Answers episodes, you’ll learn all aspects of the fundraising process. In this episode, you will learn donor motivations and how your nonprofit presents an appeal or campaign to specific types of donors. You’ll start learning the foundations of donor psychology and how to motivate donors to give.

Episode 017 – 5 Secrets to Successful Fundraising

In this special episode, I reflect on the lessons I’ve learn over these years and share the five secrets successful fundraisers know. You’ll learn how to demonstrate urgency, how to be more direct with your ask, a mistake you’re likely making in how you talk to donors, a lesson on using facts to motivate donors, and key insights into showing gratitude. These lessons, learned over the course of raising tens of millions of dollars, will help propel you forward as a nonprofit fundraiser.