
Development Director Job Description


A Development Director plays a crucial role in the success of any nonprofit organization. As the driving force behind fundraising efforts, the Development Director is responsible for planning and implementing a comprehensive fundraising program, ensuring the financial sustainability of the organization and the success of its programs and services.

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Ultimate List of Nonprofit Benchmark Metrics (2022)


Every fundraiser knows that research is key to success. But with so many reports out there, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why we've put together a list of all the best nonprofit industry reports, so you can find the information you need to make your next fundraising campaign a success by benchmarking against industry standards.

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Donor Psychology and Fundraising


The field of donor psychology is still relatively new, but it has already yielded important insights into why people give (or don't give) to charitable causes. By understanding the psychological factors that influence giving behavior, nonprofit organizations can design more effective fundraising campaigns and appeal to a wider range of donors.

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5 Lessons for Nonprofits from Good to Great


In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins lays out a framework that organizations can use to achieve long-term success. Though the book was written with businesses in mind, the principles outlined therein are just as applicable to nonprofits. Here are five key takeaways from Good to Great that fundraising professionals can use to build sustained success for their organizations.

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