15 Leadership Tips for Nonprofit Leaders

Featured, Intermediate, Leadership

By Jeremy Reis

Effective leadership is the driving force behind any successful nonprofit organization. As a fundraising professional, I’ve seen firsthand how visionary and inspiring leaders can rally teams, cultivate lasting donor relationships, and ultimately magnify an organization’s impact.

Great nonprofit leaders must deftly navigate complex challenges like uncertain funding streams, increased competition for support, and heightened demands for transparency and accountability. This comprehensive guide distills 15 essential tips from top nonprofit leaders I’ve worked with to empower executive directors, board members, and managers at all levels.

From crafting a compelling vision to embodying ethical practices, fostering innovation, and prioritizing self-care, these actionable strategies provide a roadmap for inspiring your staff, engaging diverse stakeholders, and ensuring your mission achieves maximum positive change. Adopting these proven tips will equip you to guide your organization to new levels.

1. Create a Compelling Vision

Defining and communicating a powerful vision is arguably the most critical responsibility for any nonprofit leader. Your mission and core values must succinctly yet inspirationally capture the “why” behind your work in a way that ignites passion in others. I once worked with an education nonprofit whose verbose, jargon-filled mission statement was impossible for even staff to recite from memory. We engaged in a collaborative process to distill it down to just ten words – “Opening doors to brighter futures through transformative learning” – which rolled off the tongue and truly resonated. The streamlined values like “ingenuity,” “empowerment,” and “collective impact” became operational mantras.

Those clear, sticky statements fostered amazing buy-in, uniting our team, volunteers, donors, and community partners around a shared purpose we could all articulate. Supporters would frequently echo back the mission in conversations, demonstrating deep internalization. When your vision is potent and memorable, it transcends lofty words on a plaque to become a rallying cry that inspires daily action and decision-making. Invest the time to craft mission/value statements so elementally straightforward that anyone can effortlessly communicate your essence. Then relentlessly distribute that vision through all channels until it’s baked into your nonprofit’s DNA.

2. Build a Strong Team

Building a strong, cohesive team is vital for any nonprofit leader looking to create maximum impact. While skills and experience are certainly important hiring criteria, I prioritize attitude and culture fit above all else. Early in my career, I made the mistake of hiring someone incredibly qualified on paper, but whose negative, disruptive presence quickly undermined team morale and dynamics. I vowed never to compromise culture for credentials again.

When I was rebuilding my team at a nonprofit, I focused the interviews on assessing core values alignment and personal mission connection just as much as technical competencies. One candidate, though relatively green, simply radiated passion for our cause along with an infectiously positive spirit. I knew she would be an invaluable culture add. She did indeed quickly become a star performer, and her enthusiastic collaboration elevated everyone around her.

Beyond just hiring the right people, it’s crucial to intentionally foster a supportive, collaborative environment where teams can thrive. We prioritize professional development with coaching, cross-training, and growth opportunities. We also infuse fun through team outings, celebrations of wins, and stepping back to appreciate the meaningful work we’re doing together. Creating this positive, nurturing culture helps retain top talent and brings out everyone’s best.

3. Include Team Members in Leadership

Inclusivity and collaboration shouldn’t just be values nonprofit leaders preach – they should be principles embedded into their decision-making processes.

One of the most powerful ways to build invested teams is by giving employees a real seat at the table for key organizational decisions that impact their work. When it came time to map out our new three-year strategic plan, I didn’t want it developed through an insular, top-down process. Instead, I facilitated working sessions where cross-functional teams helped shape the high-level goals and initiatives. More importantly, those frontline staff then took ownership over building out detailed roadmaps and implementation plans for how we’d execute the strategies tied to their respective domains.

By providing this level of self-determination, the entire strategic plan became a living, breathing framework enriched by diverse perspectives and a shared sense of accountability for realizing the vision. Not only did this approach result in a more robust, grounded-in-reality plan, but it fostered unparalleled engagement and buy-in at all levels of the organization.

4. Be a Strategic Thinker

Effective nonprofit leadership requires having a bifocal mindset – simultaneously setting a long-range strategic vision while nimbly adapting to the evolving landscape. Developing a comprehensive multi-year strategic plan provides an essential roadmap for achieving your mission, but it can’t be a static document locked away in a drawer. I can’t tell you how many nonprofits I’ve worked with that have a grand five or ten year plan, but most of the staff never read it and it’s usually sitting in desk drawers gathering dust.

Plus, you have to deal with a constantly changing world. You might run into:

  • Environmental conditions
  • Community needs
  • Funding sources
  • Key staff departures
  • Grants ending
  • Shift in beneficiary preferences

As a leader, you must conduct ongoing environmental scanning to anticipate potential disruptions or new priorities before they become crises. Bring your team together regularly to discuss emerging challenges and revisit strategic assumptions.

Just as importantly, keep an opportunistic outlook to seize new prospects for impact before competitors or changing circumstances foreclose the opening. Maybe an economic downturn leads corporations to seek strategic cause marketing partnerships as they cut philanthropy budgets. Or advances in technology enable more cost-effective programs and service delivery models. By staying attuned to your organization’s position within the broader ecosystem, you can proactively adjust and iterate your strategic direction to remain optimally positioned for sustainable, scalable growth.

5. Manage Resources Efficiently

Realizing your nonprofit’s mission hinges on sound financial management and strategic resource allocation. Start by developing comprehensive budgets and financial plans that ensure long-term operational sustainability. But diligent budgeting alone isn’t enough – leaders must also make tough prioritization decisions to direct limited resources toward highest-impact activities.

Perhaps that means sunsetting a legacy program to free up funds for more effectively addressing current needs. Or it involves temporarily reallocating staffing capacity to capture a timely new fundraising opportunity.

The choices won’t always be easy, but better to productively redeploy constrained resources than spread them thin across too many fronts.

Simultaneously, nonprofit leaders should proactively explore new, diversified revenue streams beyond the traditional avenues like grants and individual donations.

Could a fee-for-service model help subsidize programs while creating valuable community partnerships? Do cause marketing campaigns or corporate sponsorship packages open new earned income possibilities? Getting creative about self-generated revenues increases funding autonomy.

Prudent stewardship of resources from all angles empowers mission-driven organizations to operate with maximum efficiency and agility.

6. Cultivate Strong Partnerships

The power of partnerships and community connections cannot be overstated. As a leader, you must be an exceptional relationship builder, proactively cultivating strong ties with key stakeholders, influencers, and collaborators. Identify and engage local leaders, policymakers, activists, philanthropists – anyone whose values and circles of influence align with your mission.

Don’t just wait for supporters to come to you, but take your story and strategic vision directly into the community. Explore opportunities for cross-sector collaboration with businesses, schools, religious groups, and other nonprofits whose work complements yours. Formal partnerships facilitate greater collective impact through resource sharing, joint programming, and exchanging subject matter expertise.

I’ve seen this play out in the real world, especially with local partners. It’s not always ideal to setup your own organization in every local context, so you need to create strong local partnerships to be able to work in a new area. One of the keys I’ve found is to ensure accountability in the relationships so both parties can make the most of the strategic partnership.

7. Embrace Innovation

As a nonprofit leader, you must foster a culture that embraces innovation through creative problem-solving and an openness to trying new approaches. Encourage your team to challenge assumptions and conventional ways of thinking.

Actively solicit fresh ideas from those closest to the issues you aim to address – your program beneficiaries, community stakeholders, and frontline staff. When facing a persistent challenge or inefficiency, explore implementing pilot projects to test new strategies or delivery models in a low-risk manner.

For example, if your youth services organization is struggling to engage a particular demographic, work with that target audience to co-create an innovative outreach campaign or programming approach customized to their needs and preferences. Rapidly try different concepts, then continuously improve the pilot based on real-time feedback and performance data. Dedicate a portion of your budget to investment funds for experimenting with promising ideas.

Don’t let legacy processes and previous successes constrain your potential for greater impact. Some tips for embracing innovation:

  • Actively scan the landscape for emerging societal trends, new technologies, or creative solutions pioneered by other nonprofits that could apply to your work. Right now, you should be investigating AI solutions.
  • Regularly hold innovation meetings to explore how to adapt profitable concepts to your organization’s mission. I like to identify innovative and creative people within the organization to help with this.
  • Make sure your staff know it’s ok to fail. If they fear failure, you’ll never truly innovate. I love to test new things and to empower staff to test without fear.

Remain open-minded as a nonprofit leader. Evolve your approaches to drive maximum relevance and measurable results.

8. Lead with Empathy

Truly effective nonprofit leadership extends far beyond professional skills and strategic vision – it requires a high degree of emotional intelligence. Start by cultivating self-awareness and the ability to manage your own emotional states. As a leader, you set the tone, so remaining level-headed and in control of your responses in high-stress situations is crucial. Just as importantly, practice active listening to better understand others’ perspectives and emotional contexts. Respond with empathy, seeking to have thoughtful dialogues rather than dictating top-down directives.

Open communication breeds trust and vulnerability within teams, so create an environment where staff feel safe to express concerns, share ideas, and occasion admit mistakes. Model this by being transparent about organizational decisions and your own vulnerabilities as a leader.

9. Embody Ethical Leadership

Upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity should be foundational to any nonprofit leader’s principles and practices. You must lead by unwavering example, serving as a role model for ethical behavior at every level of your organization.

How do you do this? Maintain radical transparency around operations, finances, and decision-making to promote accountability and trust with stakeholders. Implement robust governance protocols to ensure rigorous oversight and prevent any abuse of power or misuse of resources.

Transparency is often difficult for leaders. Lead by example.

Go beyond simply avoiding misconduct – proactively educate teams on expected ethical conduct across areas like protecting vulnerable beneficiaries, guarding sensitive data, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding donor intent. Provide clear avenues for staff, volunteers, or others to safely report violations without fear of retribution.

10. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-Being

The critical missions and resource constraints of the nonprofit world can foster a dangerous culture of self-sacrifice and burnout. As a leader, you must resist this martyr mentality and model healthy boundaries. Implement self-care practices like mindfulness, exercise, and sufficient sleep into your routine to manage stress.

How can you do this?

  • Take breaks during the day to recharge.
  • Set an example of unplugging from work during evenings and weekends to achieve true work-life balance.
  • Block recurring calendar times for mindfulness activities like meditation, prayer, or journaling.
  • Schedule reminders to go for walks or stretch during the workday.
  • Provide resources like access to mental health counseling benefits and employee assistance programs.
  • Offer trainings on stress management techniques tailored for the unique challenges of nonprofit work.
  • Encourage use of vacation time by personally modeling behavior – take your own paid time off and avoid sending non-urgent emails during colleagues’ planned absences.

A healthy, balanced nonprofit workforce is critical for fostering a balanced life to create enduring positive impact. The people you serve are relying on you and your team!

11. Continuously Learn and Grow

Effective nonprofit leadership is an ongoing journey of continuous learning and development. Proactively seek out professional growth opportunities through training programs, conferences, coaching, or joining industry associations. Invest in developing both your core leadership capabilities and skills specific to areas like fundraising, program management, advocacy, and more.

We encourage our staff at CRISTA to explore new areas in their professional life. Sometimes that means a conference, other times just taking time every Friday to learn something new.

12. Celebrate Successes and Recognize Contributions

Amplifying a culture of appreciation and recognition should be a top priority. Implement structured programs to consistently acknowledge outstanding performance and achievement. Establish criteria for employee awards like “MVP,” “Innovator of the Year,” or “Mission Ambassador” honors. Publicly celebrate recipients through all-staff meetings, newsletters, social media posts and physical symbols like plaques or trophies.

One way we recognize people at CRISTA is to regulary “shout out” to people in a Teams channel. It encourages cross-team collaboration, recognizes people who are doing an outstanding job, and encourages high performance.

13. Be a Passionate Advocate

As a nonprofit leader, you must be the chief evangelist for your organization’s vital mission and work. Seize every opportunity to raise awareness and mobilize support from new audiences. Develop a compelling “advocacy elevator pitch” to clearly yet powerfully capture the urgency of the issues you’re addressing. Become an expert storyteller, curating real-life examples that vividly illustrate the human impact created by your programs and services.

Lead with an inspirational vision for the impact you’re striving to create. Make the “why” behind your mission tangible, not just through facts but by painting a visceral picture of the positive transformation you’re working to manifest in communities.

When you advocate with authentic passion, you motivate people to walk alongside you to reach your organization’s vision.

14. Set Stretch Goals

Pushing your team to achieve ambitious “stretch goals” can be a powerful motivational tool when done properly. The key is fostering a culture of productive risk-taking by framing these aspirational targets as opportunities for growth rather than rigid mandates.

Collaboratively develop stretch goals by first soliciting input from staff on areas where they feel they could increase capacity or impact with additional focus. Sometimes, you’ll be surprised about how much your staff want to push. Adopt their ideas into your goals.

A key: risks and missed targets should be treated as learning experiences, not failures. This can be a challenge in a risk-adverse culture, but it’s a must-have to get the most out of people!

I worked with an organization that would create challenge goals but then would conveniently forget that it was a stretch goal and be disappointed if they missed the goals. It began to wear on staff as several good people left.

Empower people to set stretch goals.

15. Measure What Works

Data-driven decision making is critical for maximizing your nonprofit’s impact and efficient use of resources. Establish a comprehensive measurement plan that identifies the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics you’ll track across core programs, fundraising, operations, and other functional areas.

At the programmatic level, this could include tangible outputs like number of beneficiaries served as well as evaluations of longer-term outcomes. For fundraising, calculate metrics like donor acquisition costs and retention rates across different channels to understand appropriate investment levels.

By implementing strategies like developing targeted strategic plans, cultivating stakeholder partnerships, prioritizing wellness, and nurturing a culture of learning, you equip yourself to navigate any challenge. Celebrate milestones and recognize the contributions of your team, for their dedicated efforts are what breathe life into your mission daily.