Nonprofit Answers Podcast

Helping You Raise More Money to Help More People

Welcome to the Nonprofit Answers Podcast where we answer your nonprofit marketing and fundraising questions. From acquiring new donors to nurturing long-term donor relationships, we’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Hi, I’m Jeremy Reis, your Nonprofit Answers host. I’m the VP of Marketing at CRISTA Ministries, leading our direct response, radio, events, digital, and other fundraising initiatives. CRISTA is a family of five ministries including World Concern, an international relief and development organization. In my role, I face many of the same challenges you do and have to make decisions on how to raise the most funds, develop the deepest relationships, and market our organization with limited money, people and resources. In this podcast, I’ll answer your questions on nonprofit marketing and fundraising to help you raise the most money possible to help the most people you can.

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Nonprofit Answers Episodes

Episode 40 – What are the Key Steps to Starting a Successful Monthly Giving Program?

In this episode, we discuss the importance of monthly giving for nonprofit fundraising, and provide practical guidance on how to start a successful monthly giving program.

Episode 39 – How do I choose an email service provider?

An email service provider (ESP) is a company that enables organizations to send out mass emails.  If you’ve ever signed up for a newsletter or clicked “subscribe” to receive updates from a website, chances are you’ve used an ESP. Learn how to pick the right ESP.

Episode 38 – Effective Calls to Action

Listen to episode 38 of Nonprofit Answers to learn about effective calls-to-action and motivate your donors to great conversion.

Episode 37 – 5 Great Year-End Fundraising Campaigns

The holidays are on their way, and it’s time to start thinking about the year end fundraising. Whether you want to increase your donations, get new donors involved or create some buzz around your organization with a campaign that will last until the end of the year, there are plenty of ideas that will work for you. Here are five great ones!

Episode 36 – 10 Tips for Successful Year End Fundraising

For many nonprofits, year end fundraising is crucial for success. As a fundraiser, this can also be a stressful time of year. In this episode, we explore ten tips to making your year end fundraising a success! Learn everything from planning to follow up.

Episode 35 – How Do We Communicate with Major Donors in a Time of Crisis?

As we work through this time of crisis, it’s vital to be in constant communication with major and mid-level donors. But what do you communicate? Do you ask for money? How to build relationship?

Episode 34 – How Do We Use an Email Welcome Series to Reduce Donor Attrition?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, you will learn a four part email series that will help retain more donors and get that second gift.

Episode 33 – How Will the Election Season Impact Nonprofits?

The election season is upon us in the US. How will this impact fundraising? Explore how the election will impact your nonprofit and what you can do about it.

Episode 32 – Should We Move All of Our Communications to Digital?

Learn about which communications make sense for digital and how other channels still have a place in your communications plan in this episode of the Nonprofit Answers podcast.

Episode 31 – Setting Annual Fundraising Goals to Meet Your Strategy

Your nonprofit organization’s strategy determines the direction of where your organization is headed and the scope of what you’ll do. It is the thing that determines what your limited resources will accomplish for your beneficiaries, donors, and other stakeholders. How do you create goals to help you achieve your strategy?

Episode 30 – How to Say Thanks to Your Donors

Demonstrating gratitude to your donors may be your most important job as a fundraiser. Why? A happy donor gives a second, third, and fourth time. A well thanked donor tells their friends. Learn creative ways to thank your donors.

Episode 29 – Secrets to Effective Event Fundraising

At Food for the Hungry, we acquire tens of thousands of monthly donors each year from events. In this episode, you’ll learn how we structure a sponsored event for the best possible outcome: a new monthly donor. Learn the format for the event, how to do an effective fundraising, and how to integrate volunteers.