15 Interview Questions (and Answers!) for a Fundraising Specialist

Beginner, Fundraising

By Jeremy Reis

Fundraising specialists play a critical role in the success of nonprofit organizations, responsible for securing the financial resources needed to support their missions. Whether it’s identifying new donors, cultivating relationships with existing supporters, or developing and executing effective fundraising campaigns, a skilled fundraising specialist is a key asset to any nonprofit team.

If you’re considering a career in nonprofit fundraising, or you’re a hiring manager seeking to build a high-performing fundraising team, you may be wondering what interview questions to ask to identify the most qualified candidates. In this post, we’ve compiled 15 interview questions and example answers that can help you assess a candidate’s skills, experience, and fit with your organization’s culture and values. From questions about donor cultivation to event planning to grant writing, these questions cover a wide range of topics to help you find the best candidate for your fundraising needs.

1. Can you tell us about your experience with donor cultivation and stewardship?

Example answer: “In my previous role, I developed and implemented a comprehensive donor stewardship program that included regular communication, personalized thank-you messages, and invitations to special events. As a result, we saw a significant increase in donor retention and an uptick in major gifts.”

2. How do you approach identifying potential new donors for a nonprofit organization?

Example answer: “I utilize a variety of research tools, including wealth screening and prospect research, to identify individuals with a demonstrated interest in our cause and the capacity to give. I also attend networking events and engage in outreach to potential partners who may be interested in supporting our work.”

3. Can you discuss a particularly successful fundraising campaign you led or participated in?

Example answer: “I was part of a team that launched a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign that exceeded our goals by 50%. We leveraged social media to amplify our message, engaged our board members as ambassadors, and provided donors with creative and impactful ways to get involved.”

4. How do you ensure that your fundraising strategies align with the mission and values of the nonprofit organization you’re working for?

Example answer: “I make it a priority to fully understand the mission and values of the organization and to work collaboratively with colleagues to ensure that fundraising initiatives align with the organization’s priorities. I also conduct regular evaluations of our strategies to ensure that they’re meeting our goals and staying true to our values.”

5. Can you discuss a time when you faced a significant fundraising challenge and how you overcame it?

Example answer: “I once worked on a fundraising campaign that was struggling to meet its goals due to unexpected changes in the political climate. To overcome the challenge, we re-evaluated our messaging and outreach strategy, and focused on building relationships with our existing donors. We were able to rally support and ultimately exceeded our fundraising goal.”

6. How do you measure the success of a fundraising campaign, and what metrics do you use to evaluate its effectiveness?

Example answer: “I use a variety of metrics to evaluate the success of a campaign, including the amount of funds raised, the number of donors acquired, the retention rate of existing donors, and the level of engagement from supporters. By tracking these metrics, we can identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in future campaigns.”

7. Can you discuss your experience with corporate sponsorships and partnerships, and how you approach building these relationships?

Example answer: “I have experience in developing and managing corporate partnerships with companies that align with our mission and values. I focus on building authentic relationships with potential partners, understanding their needs and goals, and finding ways to create mutually beneficial partnerships that align with the nonprofit’s objectives.”

8. How do you approach donor segmentation and tailoring communications to different donor groups?

Example answer: “I segment donors based on factors such as giving history, level of engagement, and interests. I tailor communications and outreach strategies accordingly, providing targeted messaging and personalized touches that reflect their values and interests. This approach can help build stronger relationships with donors, leading to increased engagement and long-term support.”

9. Can you discuss your experience with event planning and executing successful fundraising events?

Example answer: “I have planned and executed a variety of successful fundraising events, including galas, auctions, and charity walks. I focus on creating engaging and memorable experiences that inspire attendees to support our cause, and I leverage data and feedback from previous events to refine and improve our strategies over time.”

10. How do you stay up-to-date on trends and best practices in nonprofit fundraising?

Example answer: “I stay informed by attending industry conferences, reading relevant publications and blogs, and networking with other fundraising professionals. I also make it a priority to continuously evaluate and improve our fundraising strategies, testing new approaches and incorporating lessons learned from past campaigns.”

11. How do you maintain relationships with major donors, and what strategies do you use to ensure their ongoing support?

Example answer: “I believe in creating a personal connection with major donors by regularly communicating with them, providing regular updates on our progress, and inviting them to exclusive events and meetings. I also ensure that their gifts are recognized appropriately and that they feel appreciated for their contributions.”

12. Can you discuss your experience with grant writing and managing the grant application process?

Example answer: “I have experience in researching and identifying potential grant opportunities, preparing successful grant proposals, and managing the grant application process from start to finish. I have a strong understanding of the grantmaking process and what funders are looking for in proposals, and I work closely with program staff to ensure that our proposals align with our mission and goals.”

13. How do you balance competing fundraising priorities and allocate resources effectively to ensure success?

Example answer: “I prioritize fundraising activities based on our strategic goals and evaluate each opportunity for its potential return on investment. I regularly review fundraising metrics to assess the effectiveness of our strategies and make adjustments as needed. I also collaborate with colleagues across the organization to ensure that fundraising efforts are aligned with our overall priorities.”

14. Can you discuss your experience with planned giving programs, and how you have worked to increase legacy gifts?

Example answer: “I have experience in developing and implementing planned giving programs, including wills, bequests, and charitable gift annuities. I work to build relationships with potential donors and provide education and support to help them make informed decisions about leaving a legacy gift. I also work with legal and financial advisors to ensure that donors receive appropriate guidance and support.”

15. How do you manage and motivate fundraising teams and volunteers to ensure that they are engaged and effective in their roles?

Example answer: “I focus on creating a positive and collaborative culture among our fundraising teams and volunteers, providing clear goals and expectations, and ensuring that everyone understands how their work contributes to our overall mission. I also provide regular feedback and recognition to help motivate and retain our team members, and I create opportunities for professional development and growth.”


In the world of nonprofit fundraising, having a skilled and experienced fundraising specialist can make all the difference in achieving organizational goals and making a meaningful impact in the community.

In this post, we’ve covered 15 interview questions and example answers that can help you identify the most qualified candidates for a fundraising specialist position. These questions cover a range of topics, from major donor cultivation to grant writing to event planning, to help you assess a candidate’s skills and experience.

By asking thoughtful questions and carefully evaluating candidates, you can find the right fit for your organization and build a team that is committed to achieving your mission and making a positive impact in the world. Whether you’re a hiring manager seeking to build a top-performing fundraising team, or a candidate preparing for a fundraising specialist job interview, these questions can provide valuable insights into what it takes to succeed in this critical role.