6 Steps to Build Trust with Your Donors

Donor Relations, Featured Intermediate

By Jeremy Reis

As a fundraiser, one of your primary goals is to build trust with your donors. But what does that mean, exactly? And how can you go about doing it? In this blog post, we’ll answer those questions and give you some practical tips for building trust with your donors.

1. Explain How Gifts Will Make a Difference

One of the best ways to build trust is by being open and honest in your communication with donors. Let them know what their donation will be used for, how much you need to raise, and why their support is so important. The more information you can share, the better. In addition to being open about your organization’s needs, it’s also important to communicate frequently. Donors should never feel like they’re in the dark about what’s going on with your organization or their donation.

One of the best ways to build trust with your donors is to communicate with them on a regular basis. Let them know how their donations are being used and the impact that they’re having. Thank them for their support and let them know that their contributions are appreciated. Keep them updated on the progress of your fundraising campaign and let them know how close you are to reaching your goals. Regular communication will help build a stronger relationship with your donors and make them more likely to continue supporting your cause.

2. Keep Your Promises

Tell the donor what you’re going to do, do it, and report on it. It’s important to keep your promises in order to build trust with your donors. If you say that their donations will go towards a specific project or initiative, make sure that’s actually where the money goes. Donors want to know that their money is being used in the way that you said it would be, so it’s important to follow through on your commitments. If you can’t keep a promise for some reason, be honest about it and let your donors know what happened. Donors appreciate honesty and will be more likely to continue supporting you if they feel like they can trust you.

3. Be Specific

It helps donors to understand your mission and how their donation will be used. If you’re vague about what your organization does or how donations will be used, potential donors are less likely to understand your mission or feel confident that their donation will be used effectively. By being specific, you can help donors to understand exactly what your organization does and how their donation will make a difference.

Donors want to know that their money is going to a reputable organization that will use it wisely. If you’re vague about your organization or your use of funds, potential donors may not trust that you’ll use their donation wisely. However, if you’re clear and transparent about how donations will be used, potential donors are more likely to trust that their money is going to a good cause.

Donors are more likely to give if they know exactly how their donation will be used. Many people want to know that their money is going towards a specific purpose. For example, if you’re raising money for a new building, potential donors are more likely to give if they know that their donation will go towards the construction of the new building. On the other hand, if you’re raising money for general operating expenses, potential donors may not be as inclined to give because they don’t know how their money will be used specifically. By being specific about how donations will be used, you can increase the likelihood that potential donors will give.

4. Be Transparent

Another important way to build trust with your donors is to be transparent about how their donations are being used. When donors know where their money is going, they’re more likely to trust you and feel confident about supporting your cause. Make sure to provide detailed information about how their donations will be used and what impact they can expect to see from their contributions.

It’s not enough to simply tell donors where their money is going—you also need to be able to show them. Providing detailed financial reports or even just breaking down how you plan to use their donation can go a long way in building trust. If you’re not sure how to get started, try creating a simple infographic that outlines where donations will be used or providing a breakdown on your website or in your next newsletter.

5. Thank Donors for Their Gifts Promptly

As a fundraiser, you know how important it is to cultivate relationships with your donors. One of the best ways to do this is by promptly thanking them for their contributions. Here’s a look at why thanking your donors promptly is so important and how you can make sure it happens.

When donors give to your cause, they’re making a conscious decision to invest in something they believe in. And just like with any investment, they want to see that their money is being used wisely and that their contribution is having an impact.

One of the best ways to show donors that you’re using their money wisely and that their contribution is making a difference is by promptly thanking them for their gift. This shows them that you’re on top of things and that you appreciate their support. Furthermore, thanking your donors promptly can help build stronger relationships with them and encourage them to give again in the future.

6. Report the Impact of the Gift

Finally, always take the opportunity to show donors the impact their donation has made—whether it’s through stories from those who have benefited from your work or hard data that demonstrates the difference their gift has made. Seeing the tangible results of their donation will not only help build trust—it will also motivate them to give again in the future!


Building trust with your donors is essential if you want to be successful in fundraising. By getting to know them, being transparent, and keeping your promises, you will be well on your way to building strong relationships built on trust.