
Start Date – Dave the Development Director


Dave says, “The job candidate that you sent me is just not qualified for the position of development manager.” Wendy replies, “You mean the son of the chairman of our board?” Dave replies,  “Yeah.” Wendy replies,  “So when is his start date?”

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Millennials Giving – Dave the Development Guy


Dave asks, “If you could change something about our fundraising, what would it be?” Hunter responds, “I’d focus mostly on millennials, they’re the most giving generation.” “But overall they’re giving less, how would you make up for the income loss?” Hunter replies, “With more social ...

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Telemarketing – Dave the Development Director


“Hey Dave, we had one complaint about your telemarketing campaign. Can you cancel that?” said Nixon, the Customer Service Manager. Dave replies, “That’s $200,000 of our annual revenue.” “It’s bothering our donors, Dave. Just ask a major donor to give $200,000.” Nixon responds. Nixon walks ...

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HVAC – Dave the Development Director


“Dave, the air conditioning in the building went out. Can you find a major donor that has a passion for HVAC and raise $50,000?” asked Wendy, the Executive Director. Dave replies, “Next, can we find a donor with a passion for office furniture to buy ...

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