10 Tips to Improve Donor Retention

Donor Communication, Fundraising, Intermediate

By Jeremy Reis

Donor retention is a big challenge for many nonprofits. According to estimates, the average nonprofit loses between 20 and 40 percent of its donors each year. The good news is that there are strategies you can use to improve donor retention and keep your donors coming back year after year. In this blog post, we’ll discuss key strategies for improving donor retention.

1. Thank Your Donors Promptly and Personally

One of the best ways to retain donors is to show your appreciation for their gifts. Donors should be thanked promptly (within 24 hours) and in a personal way. A handwritten thank-you note or a phone call from a staff member or volunteer is always appreciated and goes a long way toward building relationships with donors. You can also show your appreciation by keeping donors updated on how their gifts are being used and the impact they’re making. Send quarterly e-newsletters or annual reports, and include stories and photos whenever possible. Personalized updates like these will help donors feel connected to your organization and more likely to continue their support.

2. Make It Easy for Donors to Give Again

When it comes time for donors to renew their support, make it easy for them to do so. Send them a reminder notice before their gift is due, and include a pre-addressed envelope or a link to your online giving page. You can also make renewal giving more convenient by setting up recurring gifts. Recurring gifts are an easy way for donors to maintain their support without having to think about it each year. And once donors have set up recurring gifts, they’re much less likely to lapse in their giving.

3. Keep Your Communications Relevant and Engaging

Another important way to retain donors is to keep your communications relevant and engaging. All too often, organizations send out appeals that are heavy on text and light on photos or stories. As a result, their appeals end up in the trash without ever being read. Instead, try using an appeal template that’s visuals-heavy and tells a story that will resonate with your donor base. You can also use social media to reach out to potential and current donors in new and innovative ways. Just be sure that whatever communications you’re sending out, they’re relevant to your audience and likely to engage them in your work.

4. Engage Your Donors Through E-mail Campaigns

One of the best ways to engage your donors and keep them coming back is through e-mail campaigns. By sending regular updates and appeals, you can remind donors of your mission and show them the impact their gifts are having. You can also use e-mail campaigns to solicit feedback from donors and learn more about their interests.

5. Keep your donors informed.

Your donors want to know how their money is being used and what impact it’s having. Make sure you keep them updated on your organization’s progress and share stories about how their gifts are making a difference. You can do this through regular e-newsletters, social media updates, or even videos or podcasts if you have the resources to produce them. The key is to keep your donors informed and engaged so that they feel like they’re part of your mission.

6. Maximize Donor Engagement With Volunteer Opportunities

Another great way to keep donors engaged is by offering volunteer opportunities that align with their interests. Not only will this allow donors to support your cause in a tangible way, but it will also give them a chance to get to know your organization on a deeper level. When donors feel invested in your organization, they’re much more likely to continue supporting you long-term.

7. Make it easy for donors to give.

Donors are more likely to give again if they had a positive experience the first time around. Make sure your donation process is easy to use and that you offer a variety of giving options so that donors can choose what works best for them. Online giving should be quick and easy, and you should also offer options for recurring donations if possible. Donors should also be able to specify how their donation will be used if they wish. Giving should be simple and straightforward so that donors don’t get frustrated and give up before they’ve even completed the process.

8. Show empathy and understanding.

Your donors are human beings with their own lives, problems, and challenges—and they’re entrusting you with their hard-earned money because they believe in your mission. It’s important that you show empathy and understanding towards your donors so that they feel valued as individuals rather than just ATM machines for your organization. This means being responsive when they contact you with questions or concerns, addressing their needs in a personal way, and showing genuine appreciation for their support. If you treat your donors like humans instead of just dollar signs, they’ll be more likely to stick around for the long haul.

9. Recognize and Reward Your Top Donors

Recognizing and rewarding your top donors is a great way to show your appreciation for their support. Whether you offer exclusive discounts or VIP treatment at events, simply showing that you value their contributions can go a long way in keeping them engaged with your organization. Plus, recognition from peers is often one of the biggest motivators for people when it comes to giving. So by publicly recognizing your top donors, you may even inspire others to give more generously in the future.

10. Keep Donors Informed With Year-End Giving Reports

Finally, one simple but effective way to keep donors engaged is by sending them year-end giving reports that summarize the impact their gifts have made over the course of 12 months. These reports not only help hold donors accountable for their contributions but also serve as powerful marketing tools that can inspire future giving. Plus, they provide an opportunity for you to thank each donor personally for their support.

Improving donor retention can be a challenge for any nonprofit organization—but it’s one well worth taking on. By thanking donors promptly and personally, making it easy for them to give again, and keeping your communications relevant and engaging, you can help ensure that your existing donors will continue supporting your organization for years to come!