20 Interview Questions (and Answers!) for a Major Donor Representative

Beginner, Major Gifts

By Jeremy Reis

Securing major donations is a critical component of fundraising for non-profit organizations, and major donor representatives are tasked with building relationships with high net worth individuals to secure these significant gifts. To successfully navigate this role, candidates for major donor representative positions must possess a unique set of skills and experiences, and they must be able to convey their value to potential employers during the job interview process.

In this article, we’ll cover 20 job interview questions (and answers!) that are specifically tailored to the major donor representative role. Whether you’re a job seeker looking to prepare for an upcoming interview or a hiring manager seeking to refine your interview questions, this guide will provide valuable insights into the skills, experiences, and mindset required to excel in this critical fundraising role.

1. What experience do you have in major donor fundraising?

Example answer: I have been working in the nonprofit sector for over 10 years and have successfully raised significant amounts of funds from major donors during that time. In my previous position, I secured a $1 million donation from a single major donor to fund a new program, and in another instance, I cultivated a relationship with a donor who had never given more than $10,000 to our organization, and ultimately secured a $500,000 gift from them.

2. Can you describe a time when you had to overcome a major obstacle in securing a donation?

Example answer: In one instance, I was working on a major donation that was tied to the donor’s desire to see a specific project come to fruition. However, the project ran into unexpected difficulties, and it was clear that the timeline for completion was going to be delayed. In order to maintain the donor’s interest and trust, I kept them informed about the challenges we were facing, and worked to find alternative ways to showcase our impact and keep them engaged in our mission. Ultimately, we were able to secure a donation that helped to fund the project, even with the delay.

3. How do you approach building relationships with major donors?

Example answer: I believe that building strong relationships with major donors is key to long-term success in fundraising. I typically begin by researching and learning as much as I can about a potential donor, including their interests and philanthropic priorities. From there, I will typically reach out to them with a personalized message that shows I’ve done my homework and highlights the ways in which our organization aligns with their interests. I then look for opportunities to engage with them further, whether it’s through one-on-one meetings, attending events that they’re involved in, or providing updates on the impact of their giving.

4. How do you measure the success of your major donor fundraising efforts?

Example answer: In order to measure success, I typically set specific fundraising goals for each major donor campaign or effort, and then track our progress towards those goals over time. I also look at metrics like retention rate (how many donors continue to give year after year), average gift size, and donor acquisition rate (how many new major donors we are bringing in each year). However, I also believe that success isn’t just about the numbers – it’s about building relationships and ensuring that our donors feel appreciated and valued for their contributions.

5. Can you describe your approach to donor stewardship?

Example answer: I believe that donor stewardship is key to building lasting relationships with major donors. This includes showing our appreciation for their contributions through thank-you notes, updates on the impact of their giving, and invitations to special events or behind-the-scenes tours. I also believe in being transparent and keeping donors informed about the ways in which their gifts are being used to make a difference in the world. Finally, I strive to make every donor feel like a valued and integral part of our organization, and work to understand their interests and motivations in order to cultivate deeper relationships over time.

6. Can you tell us about a time when you had to work with a difficult major donor, and how did you successfully manage the relationship?

Example answer: I once worked with a major donor who had very specific ideas about how their donation should be used. Initially, it was challenging to find ways to incorporate their wishes while also ensuring that their gift was making the greatest possible impact for our organization. However, by taking the time to listen to their concerns and goals, we were able to work together to find a solution that met everyone’s needs. Ultimately, this led to a successful partnership that lasted for many years.

7. How do you balance the need to raise funds from major donors with the need to maintain ethical and transparent fundraising practices?

Example answer: Maintaining ethical and transparent fundraising practices is crucial to building lasting relationships with major donors. I prioritize transparency in all of my communications with donors, including sharing information about how their gifts are being used and any challenges or obstacles we may be facing. I also believe in being upfront about our fundraising goals and needs, while always treating donors with respect and never using manipulative or coercive tactics to secure a gift.

8. Can you give an example of a time when you had to think creatively to secure a major donation?

Example answer: One time, I was tasked with securing a major donation to support a new program, but we were struggling to find a donor who was interested in this particular area of our work. To address this, I worked with the program team to develop a creative proposal that showcased the unique value of the program and how it would make a real difference in the lives of our beneficiaries. We also leveraged our existing relationships with major donors who had expressed interest in similar programs, and were able to secure a significant donation that allowed us to launch the program.

9. How do you ensure that major donors feel engaged and invested in your organization beyond their initial gift?

Example answer: Engaging major donors beyond their initial gift is crucial to building lasting relationships and maintaining their support over time. I prioritize regular communication and updates about our work, including personalized notes and invitations to special events or exclusive opportunities to see our work in action. I also make sure to seek out opportunities for donors to get involved and make a direct impact, such as through volunteering or serving on an advisory board.

10. How do you handle rejection or disappointment when a major donor chooses not to give or reduces their support?

Example answer: Rejection or reduced support from a major donor can be disappointing, but it’s important to remain positive and keep things in perspective. I always try to take a proactive approach, by reaching out to the donor to better understand their concerns or feedback, and seeking to address any issues or areas where we can improve. Additionally, I focus on building relationships with other potential major donors and cultivating a diverse base of support to ensure that our organization remains resilient and sustainable over the long-term.

11. How do you stay organized and manage your workload when working with multiple major donors simultaneously?

Example answer: When working with multiple major donors, I prioritize clear communication and transparency about timelines and priorities. I maintain a detailed calendar of upcoming donor meetings, touchpoints, and deadlines, and ensure that all relevant team members are aware of these key dates. I also prioritize tracking and documenting all donor interactions, including notes on their preferences and interests, in order to ensure that our communication is personalized and effective.

12. Can you describe a time when you had to work with a team to secure a major gift, and how did you manage the collaborative process?

Example answer: I often work collaboratively with teams across our organization to secure major gifts, and I prioritize clear communication and mutual understanding in these collaborations. For example, when working to secure a major gift to fund a new program, I worked closely with the program team to develop a proposal that met the donor’s interests and priorities, while also aligning with our organizational goals and capacity. Throughout the process, I prioritized regular check-ins and updates, as well as transparent and open communication about any challenges or obstacles we were facing.

13. How do you measure the impact and effectiveness of your major donor fundraising efforts, beyond just the amount of funds raised?

Example answer: While funds raised are an important metric of success in major donor fundraising, I also prioritize measuring impact and long-term engagement. For example, I track metrics such as donor retention rate, average gift size, and the number of referrals or introductions that major donors make to other potential donors. I also prioritize gathering feedback from major donors, through surveys or one-on-one conversations, to better understand their experience and improve our outreach and engagement efforts.

14. Can you describe your experience with legacy or planned giving, and how you work with major donors to consider these options?

Example answer: I have experience working with major donors to consider legacy or planned giving options, and I believe in taking a personalized and sensitive approach to these conversations. I typically begin by listening to the donor’s goals and priorities, and then exploring different planned giving options that align with their interests. I also ensure that the donor has a clear understanding of the tax and financial benefits associated with planned giving, and that they feel supported and empowered throughout the process.

15. How do you stay up-to-date with best practices and trends in major donor fundraising, and how do you integrate new ideas into your work?

Example answer: Staying up-to-date with best practices and trends in major donor fundraising is crucial to staying effective and relevant in this work. I prioritize attending conferences, reading industry publications and blogs, and engaging in professional development opportunities to stay informed and inspired. When encountering new ideas or approaches, I consider whether they align with our organizational goals and values, and then work with my team to pilot and test these new ideas before scaling them up.

16. Can you describe a time when you had to navigate a delicate or sensitive situation with a major donor, and how did you handle it?

Example answer: I once worked with a major donor who had a personal connection to our mission, but was also dealing with a difficult family situation that made them hesitant to commit to a significant gift. To handle this situation, I prioritized active listening and empathy, and worked to understand their concerns and hesitations. I also prioritized regular check-ins and updates, while also providing space for them to take the time they needed to make a decision. Ultimately, we were able to secure a significant gift that honored their personal connection to our work, while also respecting their need for privacy and space.

17. How do you ensure that your major donor communications are personalized and relevant, and not just generic mass mailings?

Example answer: Personalizing major donor communications is crucial to building strong relationships and ensuring that our outreach is effective. I prioritize gathering and tracking information about each major donor’s interests, motivations, and giving history, and then use this information to tailor our messaging and outreach. I also prioritize regular check-ins and touchpoints, including personalized notes, calls, and invitations to exclusive events, in order to show our appreciation and keep major donors engaged.

18. How do you ensure that your major donor fundraising efforts are aligned with your organization’s mission and values, and not just driven by financial goals?

Example answer: Ensuring that major donor fundraising efforts are aligned with our mission and values is crucial to building sustainable and impactful partnerships. I prioritize regular conversations with our leadership team and board of directors to ensure that major donor fundraising efforts align with our organizational goals and strategies. I also consider factors such as the long-term impact of a major gift, the alignment of the donor’s priorities with our work, and any ethical concerns related to the gift. Ultimately, I strive to cultivate strong partnerships with major donors that are based on shared values and a shared vision for a better world.

19. Can you describe a time when you had to think creatively or outside-the-box to engage a major donor, and what was the outcome?

Example answer: One time, we were trying to engage a major donor who had been relatively disengaged for several years. To address this, I worked with our program team to develop a creative video that showcased the impact of our work and our vision for the future. We then invited the donor to a private screening of the video, followed by a personalized tour of our program sites. This approach not only helped to re-engage the donor, but also led to a renewed interest in our work and a significant gift to support our mission.

20. How do you ensure that your major donor fundraising efforts are inclusive and reflective of the diversity of your community and the broader philanthropic landscape?

Example answer: Ensuring that our major donor fundraising efforts are inclusive and reflective of the diversity of our community is crucial to building strong and sustainable partnerships. I prioritize seeking out opportunities to connect with and engage with diverse communities and potential donors, and work to understand their unique experiences and perspectives. I also strive to diversify our donor pool and outreach efforts, for example by exploring new fundraising platforms and methods, and by building relationships with diverse philanthropic networks and organizations. Ultimately, I believe that inclusive and diverse major donor partnerships are key to achieving meaningful and lasting impact in our work.


Being a major donor representative requires a unique blend of skills, experience, and personal attributes. From demonstrating emotional intelligence to effectively communicating your organization’s mission, there are a wide range of factors that can influence your success in this role. By preparing for the interview questions outlined in this article, you’ll be better equipped to showcase your strengths and demonstrate your value to potential employers. Remember to be authentic, confident, and engaging throughout the interview process, and you’ll be well on your way to securing a fulfilling and rewarding career as a major donor representative.