9 Ways to Make a Mid-level Donor Feel Valued

Beginner, Mid-level Donors

By Jeremy Reis

As a nonprofit organization, our supporters are the lifeblood of our work. They allow us to continue our important mission and make a meaningful impact in our community. Among these supporters, mid-level donors are particularly crucial. Their steady contributions add up to make a significant difference. But how can we show these mid-level donors just how valued they truly are? Here are 9 ways to make a mid-level donor feel appreciated and deepen their relationship with your nonprofit.

1. Acknowledge the donor’s gift right away

When nonprofit organizations receive donations, no matter how large or small, it is important to show appreciation for the support given by the donor. The mid-level donor’s contribution is valuable and should be acknowledged accordingly. One way to do this is through personal correspondence, such as a thank you letter or email. This can include specific details about how their donation will be used to further the nonprofit’s mission, and specific examples of the positive impact they have made. Additionally, publicly recognizing mid-level donors through social media posts or in printed materials can also be a meaningful form of gratitude. However it is done, taking time to express thanks to a mid-level donor helps cultivate continued support for your nonprofit organization.

2. Include mid-level donors in special events

It is often tempting for nonprofit organizations to focus solely on attracting the attention and money of high-level donors during special events. However, mid-level donors also have the potential to make a significant contribution to your organization’s success. By including them in your events, you can show them the value and impact of their support and possibly even turn them into high-level donors in the future. Inviting mid-level donors to your events can also give them a sense of community and connection as they see how their contributions help make a difference alongside those of other supporters. So don’t forget about your mid-level donors when planning special events – they deserve to be part of the celebration just as much as anyone else.

Nonprofits rely heavily on the support of their donors, and one way to cultivate loyalty is by offering unique experiences. By including mid-level donors in behind-the-scenes tours or special events, nonprofit organizations can deepen their relationships with these important supporters. These opportunities allow donors to see the direct impact of their contributions and further connect them to the mission of the nonprofit. It also allows nonprofit staff to personally thank these donors for their support and demonstrate the value their donations have brought to the organization. Including mid-level donors in exclusive experiences can help strengthen their connection to the nonprofit and inspire them to continue giving in the future.

3. Get to know them on a personal level

One way to get to know our mid-level donors personally is to create opportunities for one-on-one engagement. Consider organizing small group dinners or coffee meetings where they can interact with each other and also have a chance to speak with nonprofit staff or board members. This allows us to listen to their suggestions and understanding their interests and motivations for giving. Another option is to invite them on site visits, where they can see firsthand the impact of their donations and how their contributions are making a difference. Building these personal connections will not only demonstrate that we value their support, but it will also strengthen their commitment to our mission as a nonprofit organization.

4. Keep them updated on your work

It is essential that we show these generous individuals our appreciation and keep them updated on the progress and impact of their contributions. This not only helps to build loyalty and trust in the nonprofit, but also allows the donor to feel connected to the bigger picture and inspire further generosity. By consistently sharing updates with mid-level donors, we can make them feel appreciated and valued members of our nonprofit community.

As a nonprofit, it’s important to show appreciation for these mid-level donors and to communicate the direct impact of their donations. For example, perhaps a mid-level donor helped fund a new program at a homeless shelter, providing housing and employment resources to individuals in need. Or maybe they supported scholarships for underprivileged students, giving them access to higher education and increasing their opportunities for success. Sharing stories like these helps mid-level donors see the tangible impact of their contributions and reinforces the importance of their support. It also serves as a reminder that every donation – no matter the size – can make a difference in furthering the work of a nonprofit organization.

5. Create exclusive content for mid-level donors

One way to show these mid-level donors how much they are appreciated is by creating exclusive content just for them. This could include a monthly newsletter highlighting their contributions, invitation-only virtual events featuring special guests, or behind-the-scenes videos showcasing the impact of their donations.

6. Give mid-level donors the opportunity to volunteer or get involved in other ways beyond financial support

For many nonprofits, mid-level donors are the lifeblood of their operation. These are the donors who give year after year and help to keep the organization afloat. But what if there was a way to get more from these donors? What if you could tap into their passion and get them more involved in the work that you do?

One way to do this is to ask them to volunteer or get involved in other ways beyond financial support. This can be a great way to engage your mid-level donors and get them more invested in your mission. And, as an added bonus, it can also help you stretch your limited resources.

Ways to get midlevel donors involved beyond giving:

  1. Ask them to serve on a committee or task force.
  2. Invite them to attend special events or VIP tours.
  3. Ask them to share their expertise with you (e.g., marketing, accounting, legal, etc.).
  4. Ask them to serve as a mentor for someone on your staff.
  5. Ask them to host a fundraiser in their home or place of business.
  6. Invite them to testify at a hearing or speak at an event on your behalf.
  7. Ask them to join your board of directors or advisory council.
  8. Ask them to chair a special project or capital campaign.
  9. Ask them to be a guest lecturer for one of your classes or workshops.
  10. Ask them for a planned gift or bequest in their will or estate planning.

7. Arrange a mid-level donor-only President’s call

It is crucial that fundraisers cultivate strong relationships with mid-level donors. One way to do this is by offering a teleconference call with the president or other senior leaders of the organization.

Mid-level donors are often interested in the inner workings of the organization and how their money is being used. A teleconference call allows them to hear directly from leadership about the impact their donations are having. It also gives them an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification on any issues they may be wondering about. Furthermore, a teleconference call conveys that the organization values its relationship with the donor and is willing to invest time and resources in engaging with them.

Here are a few tips for hosting a successful teleconference call with mid-level donors:

  1. Prepare a brief introduction that sets the tone for the call and gives an overview of what will be discussed.
  2. Make sure all participants are on mute until it is their turn to speak. This will minimize background noise and disruptions.
  3. Ask participants to state their name and affiliation before they ask their question. This will help keep everyone on track and ensure that everyone knows who is speaking at all times.
  4. Encourage participants to ask questions throughout the call so that they feel engaged and invested in the conversation.
  5. Thank everyone for their time and participation at the end of the call, and reiterate how much their support means to the organization.
  6. Follow up with participants after the call to thank them again and see if there is anything else you can do for them.

8. Invite them to VIP events or donor appreciation events

Inviting mid-level donors to special events is one of the best ways to show your appreciation for their continued support. But how do you extend an invitation that makes them feel both valued and comfortable?

1. Do your research

Before you can plan the perfect event, you need to know who your guests will be and what they’re interested in. This means doing some research on both individuals and groups. When it comes to mid-level donors, look at their demographics, previous giving history, and any common interests they share.

2. Keep it personal

Once you have a good understanding of your audience, it’s time to start crafting your invitations. And the key here is to make them feel personal. Instead of a generic mass email, why not send a handwritten note? Or if you’re inviting a group of people, consider customizing the invitation for each individual.

3. Make it exclusive

While you want your donors to feel appreciated, you also want them to know that they are part of a select group. So be sure to highlight what makes this event special and why their attendance is so important. You can do this by emphasizing the VIP treatment they’ll receive or by mentioning that the event is by invitation only.

4. Give them a taste

Finally, whet your guests’ appetites by giving them a sneak preview of what they can expect at the event. Whether it’s live music, gourmet food, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience, let them know that this is an event not to be missed!

9. Send them handwritten cards or small gifts throughout the year just because

When it comes to building relationships, it’s the little things that matter most. A handwritten card or a small gift shows your donor that you are thinking about them, even when there isn’t an ask attached. These thoughtful gestures will go a long way in solidifying the relationship between you and your donor, and will make them more likely to continue their support for years to come.

Keep a running list of occasions worth celebrating. In addition to birthdays and holidays, these can include anniversaries (of both the donor’s involvement with your organization and personal milestones), as well as special achievements or moments worthy of recognition.

Get creative with your timing. Sending a holiday card in December is nice, but try to mix things up by sending a “thinking of you” card in June or an “I’m so proud of you” card in February. Your donors will appreciate the effort!

Keep it personal. Your goal should be to make each donor feel like they are the only one you are thinking about at that moment. Take the time to write a personalized message in each card, and if possible, include a small gift that is specific to their interests or hobbies.


These nine ideas for showing appreciation to this important group of supporters are vital to your mid-level donor strategy. From personalized thank you notes to special event invitations, these tactics can help elevate the level of acknowledgement given to mid-level donors and strengthen their loyalty to the organization.