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Fundraising Trend: Invest in Owned Media

Organic social reach is dead. Social networks and social marketing is different today than it was even a year ago. The days of relying solely on organic reach on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are behind us.

Fundraising Trend: AI Integration in Fundraising Tools

From sophisticated AI tools that fine-tune donor segmentations to advanced analytics platforms that dissect and interpret data, AI is revolutionizing the way nonprofits operate, communicate, and fundraise.

The Often Overlooked Traits of Highly Successful Planned Giving Fundraisers

Discover the often overlooked traits that set highly successful planned giving fundraisers apart, and learn how cultivating these qualities can help you secure transformational gifts and create lasting impact for your organization.

Fundraising Trend: Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Peer-to-peer fundraising is being redefined through innovative strategies like gamification, virtual events, and cause-linked merchandise collaborations.

Episode 47 – How Can I Find More Corporate Sponsors for My Nonprofit?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, Jeremy Reis takes a deep dive into the world of corporate partnerships, offering nonprofit professionals invaluable insights on how to find and secure corporate sponsors.

Fundraising Trend: Hyper-Personalized Communications

Hyper-personalized communications are ones where every message feels like it’s crafted just for you. Imagine a world where every email, social media post, or newsletter you send out lands with the kind of precision and personal touch that makes each of your donors feel like they’re the only one you’re speaking to.

Top 9 Nonprofit Management Tips for 2025

Unlock your nonprofit’s full potential with these actionable tips on management, donor engagement, and strategic planning that will drive your mission forward and ensure long-term success.

Episode 46 – Should I Get a Nonprofit Fundraising Certification?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, host Jeremy Reis explores the pros and cons of obtaining a nonprofit fundraising certification. As certifications in the nonprofit sector gain popularity, Jeremy breaks down the benefits, such as enhanced credibility, expanded knowledge, and valuable networking opportunities. He also addresses the potential downsides, including the cost, time commitment, and … Read more

Fundraising Trend: Emphasis on Donor Experience

A donor’s experience encompasses much more than financial transactions. Donors desire engagement and connection with an organization. It’s crucial to recognize the evolving expectations of donors, particularly their desire for involvement that goes beyond mere financial contributions. 

Episode 45: How Do I Elevate Planned Giving Conversations?

In this episode of Nonprofit Answers, I jump into the art of planned giving conversations and how to make them more impactful and successful.

Fundraising Trend: Protests & Increase in ‘Rage Giving’

Some donors are driven by rage more than a desire to see someone helped. The 2024 political season will see a rise in ‘rage giving’ as donors seek to express their political views through giving to an organization they see as attacking their political enemies.

Crafting Impactful Memorial Gift Thank You Letters for Nonprofits

Discover how to craft heartfelt, impactful thank-you letters for memorial gifts that honor loved ones and strengthen donor relationships.

Fundraising Trend: Gen X and Millennial Importance

Learn how to engage Gen X and Millennials to expand your fundraising presence.

Leveraging Major Donors in Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaigns

Discover how to supercharge your peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns by effectively engaging major donors, leveraging their influence, and maximizing your nonprofit’s impact.

Ultimate Guide to Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Unlock the full potential of your nonprofit’s fundraising efforts with this comprehensive guide to peer-to-peer fundraising, and discover how to engage and empower your supporters to amplify your mission’s impact.

Secret Techniques to Elevate Your Planned Giving Conversations Instantly

Discover five secret techniques that will instantly elevate your planned giving conversations, helping you build stronger connections with donors and inspire them to leave a lasting legacy through their generosity.

Retention Tactics for Midlevel Donors

Discover how to effectively retain midlevel donors by building strong relationships, offering exclusive benefits, and implementing continuous stewardship strategies that ensure long-term support and commitment to your nonprofit’s mission.

Fundraising Trend: Impact of Presidential Elections

What an election season so far! The impact of the Presidential elections will be felt far and wide – especially the distraction during our heaviest fundraising season.

5 Step Plan to Move General Donors to Become Major Donors

Transform donors into major contributors by deeply understanding their motivations, maintaining engaging communication, hosting exclusive events, providing personalized recognition, and offering opportunities for deeper involvement in your organization’s mission.

Fundraising Trend: Increases in Non-Cash Giving

Over $84 trillion will change hands from baby boomers to the next generation. Learn how increases in non-cash giving will impact your nonprofit.

Top 10 Tips for Convincing Donors to Commit Monthly

Discover 10 proven strategies to transform one-time supporters into loyal monthly donors, boosting your nonprofit’s impact and financial stability – all without breaking the bank or overwhelming your team.

How Storytelling Increases Trust in Your Nonprofit

Effective storytelling builds trust in your nonprofit by creating emotional connections, showcasing your impact, and consistently engaging supporters across various platforms, ultimately leading to stronger relationships and increased support for your mission.

Essential Certifications for Aspiring Fundraisers

Discover why nonprofit fundraising certifications are essential for fundraising professionals, and learn how these targeted programs can boost your career and drive your organization’s success.

6 Successful Methods to Get More Corporate Donations

Unlock the power of corporate donations for your nonprofit with these six proven strategies, guaranteed to help you build lasting partnerships and secure essential funding for your mission.
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