Top 4 Wealth Prospecting Tools

Advanced, Donor Relations, Featured, Major Gifts

By Jeremy Reis

New strategies and tools are being developed to help organizations reach their financial goals. One concept that has gained significant attention in recent years is wealth prospecting.

But what exactly is wealth prospecting? And how can it be beneficial for your nonprofit organization? This article aims to delve into these questions and shed light on the importance of this powerful strategy.

Wealth prospecting, at its core, is the process of identifying and targeting potential donors or clients who have the capacity to make substantial financial contributions. It involves researching, analyzing, and understanding the financial background of individuals to gauge their ability and willingness to donate. In other words, it’s about finding the “golden geese” who can significantly boost your fundraising efforts.

For nonprofit organizations, wealth prospecting is particularly critical. The reason is simple – not all donors are created equal. While every donation, no matter how small, is appreciated, it’s the large gifts that often make the difference between meeting your fundraising goals and falling short. Therefore, being able to identify potential major donors can be a game-changer for nonprofits.

But why is wealth prospecting so important in the financial industry, particularly for nonprofit fundraisers? The answer lies in the efficiency and effectiveness of your fundraising efforts. By focusing your resources on prospects with the highest potential, you can increase your return on investment (ROI). This means less time and money spent on unfruitful endeavors, and more resources directed towards impactful projects that align with your organization’s mission.

Moreover, wealth prospecting allows you to personalize your approach to fundraising. By understanding a potential donor’s financial capacity, you can tailor your communication and engagement strategies to match their expectations and preferences. This personalized approach not only increases the chances of securing a donation but also helps build long-term relationships with your donors.

In an increasingly competitive nonprofit landscape, wealth prospecting can give your organization the edge it needs. It can help you stand out from the crowd, attract more significant donations, and ultimately, make a bigger impact. So, if you’re looking to take your fundraising efforts to the next level, it might be time to start exploring the world of wealth prospecting.

Remember, successful fundraising is not just about asking for money—it’s about connecting with individuals who share your passion and vision. And wealth prospecting can be the key to finding these individuals and forging meaningful relationships with them.

Wealth prospecting is a powerful tool in the arsenal of nonprofit fundraisers. It allows organizations to identify potential major donors, personalize their fundraising approach, and maximize their ROI. By harnessing the power of wealth prospecting, you can ensure that your nonprofit is not just surviving, but thriving in today’s competitive fundraising landscape.

What is a Wealth Prospecting Tool?

Wealth prospecting tools are specialized software or platforms designed to help nonprofit organizations identify, analyze, and target potential donors who have the financial capacity to make significant contributions. These tools provide valuable insights into a potential donor’s wealth, philanthropic interests, and giving history, allowing fundraisers to focus their efforts on the most promising prospects.

The main purpose of wealth prospecting tools is to streamline and enhance the process of identifying potential donors. Fundraising, particularly for nonprofits, can be a daunting task. It requires a great deal of time, effort, and resources to research potential donors, understand their financial capacity, and assess their likelihood of contributing. Wealth prospecting tools simplify this process by providing fundraisers with actionable data and insights.

But how exactly do these tools work? The answer lies in data. Wealth prospecting tools leverage vast amounts of data from various sources, such as public records, social media profiles, and proprietary databases. They use sophisticated algorithms to analyze this data and generate detailed profiles of potential donors. These profiles typically include information about an individual’s net worth, income, real estate holdings, business affiliations, charitable donations, and more.

The function of wealth prospecting tools extends beyond merely providing financial information. They also offer features such as predictive modeling, which helps predict a potential donor’s giving capacity and propensity. This allows fundraisers to not only identify high-value prospects but also anticipate their giving behavior.

Furthermore, these tools often come with relationship mapping features. These features enable fundraisers to uncover connections between potential donors and their organization or cause. This can be especially useful in identifying influential individuals who can serve as advocates or ambassadors for your nonprofit.

Wealth prospecting tools also help in segmenting and prioritizing prospects. Based on the data collected, fundraisers can categorize prospects into different tiers or groups. This helps in tailoring communication and engagement strategies to match the preferences and expectations of each group, thereby increasing the chances of securing a donation.

Wealth prospecting tools play a crucial role in modern nonprofit fundraising. They provide fundraisers with valuable insights into potential donors’ financial capacity and philanthropic interests. They streamline the donor identification process, predict giving behavior, uncover valuable connections, and help in segmenting and prioritizing prospects. By leveraging these tools, nonprofit organizations can optimize their fundraising efforts and maximize their return on investment.

Let’s jump into some of the most popular wealth screening tools available in the market today. These platforms have been identified as standout performers based on their comprehensive features, ease of use, and the value they bring to nonprofit organizations. Each tool has unique capabilities designed to streamline the process of identifying potential donors and cultivating fruitful relationships.

Whether you’re looking for advanced predictive analytics or a simple, user-friendly interface, there’s a wealth screening tool that suits your needs. Let’s explore these popular options and see how they can enhance your fundraising efforts.


WealthEngine is a leading provider of predictive marketing analytics, audience development, and wealth intelligence services, primarily serving the nonprofit sector. It offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to support donor research and fundraising efforts.

At the core of WealthEngine’s offerings is its platform that applies machine learning to billions of data points. It creates millions of pre-scored profiles, which are regularly refreshed, to give users up-to-date and accurate insights into potential donors. This vast database aids in both wealth identification and prospect research, making it a valuable tool for commercial and nonprofit entities alike.

One of the standout features of WealthEngine is its ability to locate and screen prospects. The platform supports donor pattern analysis, which can provide insights into a potential donor’s giving history and philanthropic interests. This feature allows nonprofits to identify high-potential donors and focus their fundraising efforts where they’re most likely to be successful.

In addition, WealthEngine uses a proprietary process called Loop Analysis. This process runs all records through over 35 data sources to build comprehensive wealth profiles on clients and prospects. These profiles can provide a full picture of a prospect, which is crucial in creating a data-driven fundraising pyramid.

Furthermore, WealthEngine offerings extend to the Salesforce platform, providing access to a robust collection of curated research and intelligence on the world’s wealthiest individuals. This integration with Salesforce allows users to leverage WealthEngine’s capabilities within their existing CRM workflows, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency.

WealthEngine also distinguishes itself through its commitment to empowering nonprofits with the resources they need to effectively leverage wealth intelligence. This includes providing access to webinars, case studies, blog posts, and other educational materials to help organizations understand and make the most of the platform’s capabilities.

WealthEngine is a powerful tool that provides advanced wealth identification and prospect research solutions. Its features, such as prospect location and screening, donor pattern analysis, and integration with Salesforce, make it a valuable asset for nonprofit professionals looking to optimize their fundraising efforts.


iWave is a top-tier prospect research platform that aims to assist non-profit organizations in their fundraising endeavors. With its wealth screening capabilities, iWave provides fundraisers with the tools they need to identify and understand potential donors better.

At the core of iWave’s services is its comprehensive database. It compiles data from numerous public and proprietary sources, providing information on an individual’s wealth indicators such as real estate ownership, business affiliations, philanthropic history, and more. This rich data landscape allows fundraisers to gain a holistic view of their prospects’ financial capabilities and charitable tendencies.

One of the key features of iWave is its ability to score prospects. Using the platform’s proprietary algorithm, fundraisers can assign scores based on a prospect’s wealth, propensity to give, and affinity to their cause. This scoring system helps organizations prioritize their outreach efforts, focusing on those who are most likely to donate.

In addition to individual prospect scoring, iWave also offers portfolio analysis. This feature allows organizations to screen a large group of prospects at once, which can be invaluable when planning large fundraising campaigns or events. The platform can segment these groups based on various factors, including giving capacity and inclination, enabling organizations to tailor their strategies to different donor segments.

Moreover, iWave provides a feature called Relationship Mapping. This tool helps uncover connections between prospects and existing donors or board members. Utilizing these connections can play a crucial role in securing introductions or endorsements, potentially leading to increased donations.

Furthermore, iWave integrates seamlessly with several popular CRM systems. This means organizations can easily incorporate the insights gained from iWave into their existing workflows, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Another standout feature of iWave is its customization options. Unlike many other wealth screening tools, iWave allows users to adjust the weight of different data points when calculating scores. This means organizations can tailor the scoring process to align with their unique priorities and needs.

In terms of support and resources, iWave offers a range of online training materials and webinars to help users maximize their use of the platform. They also provide a dedicated customer support team for any technical or usage-related queries.

In conclusion, iWave is a robust wealth screening tool that can significantly aid non-profit organizations in their fundraising efforts. Its comprehensive database, scoring system, portfolio analysis feature, relationship mapping tool, and CRM integrations combine to provide fundraisers with a powerful resource for identifying and understanding potential donors. With its customization options and strong support framework, iWave not only simplifies the prospect research process but also allows organizations to tailor its capabilities to their specific needs.


DonorSearch is a prominent wealth screening platform designed to aid nonprofit organizations in their fundraising endeavors. It offers a suite of tools and features that assist fundraisers in identifying potential donors and understanding their giving capacity and philanthropic inclinations.

At the heart of DonorSearch’s offerings is its comprehensive and continually updated database. This database pulls from both public and proprietary sources, providing information on a wide range of wealth indicators such as real estate holdings, business affiliations, and more. Additionally, it offers data on philanthropic activities, helping fundraisers gauge a prospect’s past giving behaviors and inclination to donate.

One of DonorSearch’s standout features is its philanthropic focus. Unlike many other wealth screening tools that primarily concentrate on wealth indicators, DonorSearch places significant emphasis on a prospect’s past charitable giving. The platform’s research indicates that past giving is a strong predictor of future giving, making this a valuable tool for nonprofits seeking to identify potential donors.

Another key feature of DonorSearch is its ability to provide detailed profiles of individuals and organizations. These profiles offer deep insights into a prospect’s financial capacity and philanthropic history, helping fundraisers develop tailored, effective outreach strategies.

DonorSearch also offers batch screening capabilities, allowing organizations to screen large groups of prospects simultaneously. This can be particularly useful when preparing for large fundraising events or campaigns. The platform can segment these prospects based on various factors, enabling organizations to target their outreach efforts effectively.

Moreover, DonorSearch integrates with numerous popular CRM systems, making it easy for organizations to incorporate the platform’s insights into their existing workflows. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that valuable donor data is easily accessible and actionable.

The platform also distinguishes itself with its commitment to user education. DonorSearch provides a wealth of resources, including webinars, case studies, and blog posts, to help users understand and make the most of its capabilities. This focus on user education, combined with a dedicated customer support team, ensures that organizations have the support they need to effectively leverage the platform.

In terms of customization, DonorSearch allows users to tailor search parameters based on their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that each search is as relevant and productive as possible, helping nonprofits optimize their fundraising efforts.

DonorSearch is a comprehensive wealth screening tool that offers a unique focus on philanthropic history alongside traditional wealth indicators. Its detailed profiles, batch screening capabilities, CRM integrations, and strong support resources make it a valuable asset for nonprofit fundraisers. By providing deep insights into potential donors and offering the flexibility to tailor searches to specific needs, DonorSearch helps nonprofits streamline their fundraising efforts and maximize their success.


GivingDNA is a notable wealth screening platform that offers an array of features to help nonprofit organizations in their fundraising initiatives. The tool is designed to aid fundraisers in identifying potential donors, understanding their philanthropic behavior, and determining their giving capacity.

The cornerstone of GivingDNA’s offering is its robust and continuously updated database. It aggregates data from a multitude of public and proprietary sources, providing information on various wealth indicators such as real estate holdings, business affiliations, and more. Additionally, it also provides data on philanthropic activities, helping fundraisers better understand a prospect’s history of giving and their propensity to donate.

One of the distinguishing features of GivingDNA is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to make the process of wealth screening as seamless and straightforward as possible, even for users with minimal technical expertise. This ease of use does not compromise the platform’s depth of functionality, making GivingDNA a powerful tool for nonprofits of all sizes.

GivingDNA offers a unique feature called Donor Persona Creation. This allows organizations to segment their donor base into different personas based on factors such as giving behavior, interests, and demographics. These personas can then be used to develop personalized outreach strategies, enhancing the effectiveness of fundraising efforts.

Additionally, the platform provides batch screening capabilities, enabling organizations to screen large groups of prospects at once. This can be particularly useful when preparing for sizeable fundraising campaigns or events. The platform can also segment these prospects based on various factors, allowing organizations to tailor their outreach efforts accordingly.

Another standout aspect of GivingDNA is its integration capabilities. The platform integrates seamlessly with many popular CRM systems, enabling organizations to easily incorporate the insights gained from GivingDNA into their existing workflows. This facilitates enhanced efficiency and ensures that valuable donor data is readily accessible and actionable.

Furthermore, GivingDNA offers a range of support resources to help users make the most of the platform. This includes online training materials, webinars, and a dedicated customer support team. These resources, combined with the platform’s intuitive design, ensure that users have the support they need to effectively leverage the platform.

In terms of customization, GivingDNA allows users to adjust the weight of different data points when calculating scores. This enables organizations to tailor the scoring process to align with their unique priorities and needs.

GivingDNA is a comprehensive wealth screening tool that offers a combination of robust functionality and user-friendly design. Its detailed database, donor persona creation feature, batch screening capabilities, CRM integrations, and strong support resources make it a valuable asset for nonprofit fundraisers. By offering deep insights into potential donors and providing the flexibility to tailor searches to specific needs, GivingDNA helps nonprofits streamline their fundraising efforts and maximize their success.

Wealth screening tools like iWave, DonorSearch, and GivingDNA each offer distinct features and capabilities that can significantly enhance a nonprofit’s fundraising efforts. These platforms provide comprehensive databases, detailed donor profiles, batch screening capabilities, CRM integrations, and various other features tailored to help nonprofits understand their potential donors better and personalize their outreach strategies. Whether it’s iWave’s customization options, DonorSearch’s emphasis on philanthropic history, or GivingDNA’s user-friendly interface and donor persona creation, these tools have unique strengths that can cater to different organizational needs.

Choosing the right tool depends on your organization’s specific requirements and goals. By leveraging these advanced platforms, nonprofit organizations can streamline their fundraising processes, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately, increase their potential to secure more donations. As fundraising continues to evolve in the digital age, incorporating such tools into your strategy could be instrumental in driving your organization’s mission forward.