First Year Donor Communications

Welcome to the resource page for the “First-Year Donor Communications” workshop! As a nonprofit professional, building trust with your donors is essential to the success of your organization. One of the most effective ways to do so is through innovative communication strategies that create “wow” moments and deepen relationships.

In this workshop, we will explore techniques to create these moments, including developing a welcome series that converts into a second gift and building a first-year communications plan that retains more donors. We hope the resources here will provide valuable insights and tools to help you build stronger relationships with your donors and achieve your organization’s goals.


Google Sheets Worksheet:


  • Segmentation planner
  • Wow moments
  • List of “wow” moments ideas
  • Welcome series planner
  • First-year communications plan
  • Calendar year communications plan

25 “Wow” Moments

Are you tired of the same old donor appreciation tactics? Want to take your donor engagement to the next level? Look no further than our free ebook, “25 Wow Moments to Surprise and Delight Donors.”

In this ebook, you’ll discover creative and unforgettable ways to show your donors just how much you value their support. From personalized video messages to exclusive behind-the-scenes tours, these “wow” moments will leave your donors feeling appreciated and inspired. Download your free copy today!

The Presentation

Download the presentation from the workshop.

Additional Resources