9 Emails You Can Send in Your Welcome Series

Donor Communication,

By Jeremy Reis

For most nonprofits, email is a key part of their communications strategy. It’s a great way to stay in touch with supporters, keep them updated on your work, and solicit donations. But with so many different types of email content out there, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 9 essential emails that every nonprofit can select from to send as part of an email welcome series. From updates on your work to surveys, these emails will help you build relationships with your supporters and keep them engaged with your cause.

What is a Welcome Series?

A welcome series is a series of email messages sent to new nonprofit subscribers. The goal of a welcome series is to introduce the nonprofit to the subscriber, build rapport, and encourage the subscriber to take action (such as donating). A welcome series typically consists of 3-5 email messages, sent over the course of 1-2 weeks. The first email in the series is usually the most important, as it sets the tone for the rest of the series. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the first email is clear, concise, and engaging. nonprofits should also make sure to segment their list so that new subscribers only receive the welcome series (and not other irrelevant messages). By following these best practices, nonprofits can create a successful welcome series that will help them build relationships with new donors.

1. The Gratitude Email

A gratitude email is a type of email that nonprofit organizations send to new donors to welcome them and express their appreciation. Generally, these emails are part of an email series that also includes additional information about the organization and its mission. Gratitude emails typically contain a personal message from a staff member or volunteer, as well as information about how the donation will be used. For example, a nonprofit might send a gratitude email to a new donor, thanking them for their gift and highlighting how it will help further the organization’s mission. By sending a gratitude email, nonprofits can build relationships with new donors and show their appreciation for their support.

2. The Social Proof Email

A social proof email is a key part of the welcome series, as it helps to show potential donors the impact that their contributions can make. By sharing stories of other donors who have made a difference, you can inspire others to give and help build a community of giving. The social proof email is just one tool in your fundraising arsenal, but it can be a powerful one.

Solicit stories from your current donors about the impact giving has had on them.

3. The Trust Building Email

Building trust with donors is essential for any nonprofit organization. Donors who trust the organization are more likely to make a gift, and they are also more likely to continue giving in the future. In addition, donors who trust the organization are more likely to make larger gifts and to recommend the organization to their friends and family. There are many ways to build trust with donors, but some of the most important include being transparent about how the organization uses donations, communicating effectively, and being responsive to donor feedback.

A great way to welcome new donors and build trust from the start is with a trust-building email as part of your donor welcome series. In this email, you can thank the donor for their support and let them know how their contribution will make a difference. You can also share some stories about the people or causes that their donation will help.

4. The Impact Story Email

An impact story is simply a story that showcases the difference your nonprofit has made in the world. These stories are personal and powerful, and can be a great way to connect with your supporters on a deeper level. They also provide hard evidence of the impact you’re making, which can be helpful in persuading others to support your work.

These stories are often used in the email welcome series to show potential donors the concrete ways in which their donations can make a difference. Nonprofit impact stories typically focus on a single individual or family, and they detail the challenges that the beneficiary faced before encountering the nonprofit, the assistance that they received from the nonprofit, and the positive outcomes that resulted from the nonprofit’s intervention. By sharing these stories, nonprofits hope to inspire others to support their work and join them in their mission to make the world a better place.

5. The Free Gift Email

As a nonprofit, you know that building relationships with your donors is essential to your success. One way to show your appreciation is by sending a free gift in a welcome series. This can be an ebook or a small token, and it’s a great way to demonstrate your gratitude. Plus, it can help to build long-term relationships and foster loyalty among your donors. When choosing a free gift, be sure to select something that is aligned with your mission and that will resonate with your audience. And remember, the key to success is to customize each welcome series message to the individual donor. With a little thought and planning, you can create a powerful fundraising tool that will help you build strong relationships with your donor base.

6. The Prayer Email

If your nonprofit organization is a religious charity, a prayer email can be a powerful part of a welcome series.  This is an opportunity to ask the new donor if they have a prayer request for the ministry. As a nonprofit, it is important to be clear about your mission and vision and to maintain transparency with your donors. By including a prayer email in your welcome series, you are demonstrating your commitment to prayer and showing that you value your donor’s input. This is a great opportunity to build a relationship with your donor and to keep them updated on how their prayers are making a difference. Including a prayer email in your welcome series is a simple way to show that you are a nonprofit that cares about its donors and is committed to prayer.

7. The Survey Email

If you’re running a nonprofit, chances are you’re always looking for ways to improve your donor relationships. One great way to do this is to send a survey email as part of your welcome series. This gives new donors the opportunity to tell you why they gave to your organization, and what kinds of things they’re interested in. It’s a great way to get feedback and make sure you’re meeting your donors’ needs.

To create a survey email, start by drafting a list of questions that you want to ask. Keep the questions short and focused, so that respondents can answer them easily. Once you have your questions ready, add them to an email template and send it out to new donors. Be sure to include a link to the survey in the email, so that respondents can easily access it. Finally, make sure to thank respondents for their time and let them know how their feedback will be used.

8. The Action Email

Once someone donates to your nonprofit, it’s important to welcome them warmly and continue the relationship. A great way to do this is through an action email in your welcome series. This is an email that asks the new donor to take a small action such as following the nonprofit in social media or sending a note of encouragement to a beneficiary. Small actions like these lead to bigger actions, and ultimately help to build a strong relationship between the nonprofit and its donors.

9. The Appeal

As a nonprofit organization, it’s important to get new donors to give a second gift within the first 90 days. One way to do this is to include an appeal email in your welcome series. In the email, you can ask the donor to give a second gift and explain how their contribution will make a difference. Be sure to thank them for their previous donation and let them know how much you appreciate their support. By taking these steps, you can increase the likelihood of getting a donor to give a second gift and build a strong relationship with them.