12 Tips for Finding Gen Z Donors

Beginner, Fundraising

By Jeremy Reis

As the next generation of donors, Gen Z presents a huge opportunity for non-profit organizations to expand their donor base and increase their impact. However, reaching and engaging this audience can be a challenge. With their unique values and digital-first approach, it’s important to understand what motivates Gen Z donors and how to connect with them effectively.

In this article, we’ll share 12 tips for finding more Gen Z donors, from leveraging social media to offering volunteer opportunities and providing incentives. By implementing these strategies, non-profit organizations can attract more Gen Z donors and build long-lasting relationships with this influential demographic.

1. Leverage social media

Social media has become an essential tool for non-profit organizations seeking to engage younger generations, particularly Gen Z. This generation is digital natives, meaning they have grown up with the internet and social media as a part of their daily lives. As a result, social media platforms are where they spend a significant amount of their time. Therefore, leveraging social media is crucial for organizations to connect with Gen Z donors.

To reach Gen Z on social media, it’s important to create content that resonates with them. This generation is known for being socially conscious and values-driven, so content should align with those values. Create compelling stories that highlight the impact of donations or volunteer work, and show how donors can make a difference. Use eye-catching graphics, videos, and other multimedia elements to make the content engaging and shareable. And don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with different types of content to see what resonates with your audience.

When done well, social media can be a powerful tool for non-profit organizations to connect with Gen Z donors and inspire them to take action. By creating compelling social media content that aligns with their values, organizations can build meaningful relationships with this generation and make a positive impact on the world.

2. Be transparent

Transparency is a key value for Gen Z, and non-profit organizations must prioritize openness and honesty in their communication with donors. Being transparent about where donations are going and how they are being used builds trust and establishes credibility with donors. When donors can see that their contributions are making a real impact, they are more likely to continue supporting the organization.

One way to promote transparency is to provide regular updates on the impact of donations. This can take the form of emails, newsletters, or social media posts that highlight success stories or illustrate how the organization is making a difference in people’s lives. These updates should be timely, specific, and engaging, and show how donations are being put to use. By keeping donors informed and engaged, organizations can build stronger relationships with their Gen Z donors and inspire continued support.

In today’s digital age, information is readily available, and Gen Z donors expect transparency from the organizations they support. By being open and honest about where donations are going and how they are being used, non-profit organizations can build trust, establish credibility, and attract more Gen Z donors to their cause.

3. Offer micro-donation options

Gen Z is a generation that values accessibility and convenience, which means that traditional fundraising methods may not be as effective in engaging this demographic. When it comes to donating, Gen Z is more likely to make smaller, recurring donations rather than large one-time donations. Offering micro-donation options is an effective way to accommodate this preference and make it easy for them to support your cause on a regular basis.

Micro-donations are small, recurring donations that can be made on a regular basis. This type of donation allows donors to give a smaller amount of money each month, rather than a large sum all at once. It’s a great way to attract younger donors who may not have a lot of disposable income, but still want to support your cause. By offering micro-donations, non-profit organizations can build a sustainable source of revenue that allows them to continue their important work.

Offering micro-donation options is an important strategy for non-profit organizations seeking to engage Gen Z donors. By providing convenient and accessible ways to donate, organizations can attract a new generation of supporters who are passionate about making a difference in the world. By leveraging this approach, organizations can build a sustainable source of funding and make a meaningful impact on the issues they care about.

4. Focus on social issues

Gen Z is a generation that is deeply passionate about social issues, and they are more likely to support causes that align with their values. Issues such as climate change, racial justice, and mental health are of particular importance to Gen Z, and non-profit organizations seeking to engage this demographic must take this into consideration. By aligning your cause with one of these issues, you can attract more Gen Z donors who are eager to make a positive impact on the world.

When focusing on social issues, it’s important to be clear about how your organization is working towards a solution. Gen Z donors are savvy and well-informed, and they want to support causes that are making a real difference. Be transparent about your goals, and provide concrete examples of how your organization is working to address the issue at hand. By showing donors that their contributions will have a tangible impact, you can inspire them to take action and support your cause.

In addition to being passionate about social issues, Gen Z is also known for their desire to create change. They are eager to be part of movements and initiatives that promote positive social change, and non-profit organizations can tap into this passion by providing opportunities for them to get involved. By offering volunteer opportunities, organizing events, or providing other ways to engage with your organization, you can build a community of supporters who are dedicated to your cause.

5. Emphasize the impact of donations

For Gen Z donors, it’s not enough to simply donate to a cause. They want to know that their contributions are making a real impact on the world. To engage this generation, non-profit organizations must emphasize the impact of donations and show donors how their contributions are making a difference. One effective way to do this is through stories, photos, and videos that showcase the impact of your organization’s work.

By sharing stories of people whose lives have been changed by your organization, you can provide a tangible example of the impact that donations are having. Use photos and videos to create a visual representation of the impact of your work, and highlight how donations are being used to create positive change. Be sure to provide specific details, such as how many people were helped or how many lives were changed, to give donors a clear sense of the impact of their contributions.

In addition to showcasing impact, it’s important to keep donors informed of your organization’s progress and provide updates on how their donations are being used. This can be done through regular email updates, newsletters, or social media posts that highlight recent successes or milestones. By keeping donors engaged and informed, you can build a loyal community of supporters who are dedicated to your cause.

6. Use influencers

Gen Z is a generation that is heavily influenced by social media, and partnering with influencers who are aligned with your cause can be an effective way to reach a wider audience and attract more donors. Influencers have large followings on social media platforms, and they can help non-profit organizations to amplify their message and connect with potential donors.

When partnering with influencers, it’s important to choose those who are aligned with your cause and share your organization’s values. For example, if your organization is focused on environmental issues, partnering with an influencer who is known for promoting sustainable living can be a good fit. By partnering with influencers who are authentic and genuine, you can build trust with their followers and establish credibility for your organization.

In addition to partnering with influencers for promotion, it’s also important to involve them in your organization’s work. Inviting influencers to participate in events or volunteer activities can help to build a stronger connection between your organization and their followers. By working together on shared goals, you can build a passionate community of supporters who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

7. Make it mobile-friendly

Gen Z is a generation that is always on the go and relies heavily on their mobile devices. When it comes to donating to causes, they want to be able to do it quickly and easily from their smartphones. Non-profit organizations must make it a priority to create mobile-friendly donation pages to accommodate this preference.

A mobile-friendly donation page should be easy to navigate and quick to load. It should have a clear and concise call-to-action that encourages donors to take action. It’s important to minimize the amount of text and use clear, bold headings to guide donors through the donation process. It’s also crucial to ensure that the page is optimized for mobile devices, including different screen sizes and operating systems.

Mobile-friendly donation pages are not only important for attracting Gen Z donors, but they also provide a seamless experience for all donors. By making it easy to donate on-the-go, non-profit organizations can increase the likelihood of receiving more donations and reaching fundraising goals.

In addition to mobile-friendly donation pages, non-profit organizations should also consider other mobile-friendly options for engaging Gen Z donors. For example, using text messages to communicate with donors or offering a mobile app can be effective ways to keep donors engaged and connected with your cause.

8. Offer volunteer opportunities

Gen Z is a generation that is passionate about social responsibility and is more likely to get involved in volunteer work than any other generation. Offering volunteer opportunities is a great way to attract and engage Gen Z donors and keep them connected with your cause. By giving them the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the world, non-profit organizations can build a strong community of supporters who are dedicated to their cause.

Offering volunteer opportunities can take many forms. It can be as simple as organizing a one-day event, such as a beach clean-up or a charity run, or as involved as an ongoing program that involves regular volunteer work. Non-profit organizations should be clear about the type of work involved, the time commitment, and any training or resources that are necessary. It’s also important to provide a meaningful and engaging experience that allows volunteers to see the impact of their work and connect with the organization’s mission.

Volunteering is a great way for Gen Z donors to build a sense of community and connect with like-minded individuals who share their values. It’s also an opportunity for them to gain new skills and experiences, and build their resume or portfolio. By offering volunteer opportunities, non-profit organizations can create a pipeline of potential future donors and ambassadors for their cause.

9. Utilize peer-to-peer fundraising

Gen Z is a generation that values peer recommendations and is more likely to donate to causes that are recommended by their friends or family members. Utilizing peer-to-peer fundraising is a powerful strategy for non-profit organizations seeking to attract and engage Gen Z donors. Peer-to-peer fundraising is a way to mobilize supporters to fundraise on behalf of your organization, tapping into their networks and social connections.

By utilizing peer-to-peer fundraising, non-profit organizations can create a grassroots movement of supporters who are passionate about their cause. This approach allows donors to become advocates for your organization and share your message with their social networks, potentially reaching new donors and amplifying your message.

To create a successful peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, it’s important to provide clear and concise messaging and set specific fundraising goals. Organizations should provide resources and support to fundraisers, including tips for fundraising and tools for tracking progress. It’s also important to recognize and thank fundraisers for their efforts, both publicly and privately, to show appreciation and encourage continued support.

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way for non-profit organizations to engage Gen Z donors, who are more likely to donate to causes recommended by their peers. By tapping into the power of social connections and creating a community of passionate supporters, organizations can build momentum and create lasting change. With the right strategy and support, peer-to-peer fundraising can be a powerful tool for non-profit organizations seeking to make a positive impact on the world.

10. Provide incentives

Incentives can be a powerful motivator for Gen Z donors. Providing incentives is an effective way to encourage donations and build engagement with your cause. By offering exclusive merchandise or access to events, non-profit organizations can incentivize Gen Z donors to give to their cause and build a loyal community of supporters.

Exclusive merchandise is a great way to incentivize Gen Z donors. Branded t-shirts, hats, or stickers can create a sense of belonging and allow donors to show their support for your cause. Providing merchandise as a reward for a certain donation amount can create a sense of exclusivity and help donors feel like they are part of an exclusive community of supporters.

Access to events is another way to incentivize Gen Z donors. Offering VIP tickets to events, meet-and-greet opportunities with speakers or performers, or backstage tours can create a unique and memorable experience for donors. By providing a behind-the-scenes look at your organization’s work, you can build a deeper connection with donors and inspire them to become more involved with your cause.

It’s important to note that incentives should be used strategically and ethically. Organizations should be transparent about how donations are being used and ensure that the incentives provided are proportionate to the donation amount. Donors should be motivated by a genuine desire to support your cause, rather than the desire for a reward.

11. Highlight diversity and inclusivity

Gen Z is a generation that values diversity and inclusivity. They seek to support causes that promote equality, fairness, and justice for all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. Non-profit organizations can engage Gen Z donors by highlighting their commitment to these values and demonstrating how their cause supports diversity and inclusivity.

One way to promote diversity and inclusivity is by showcasing the diversity of your organization’s leadership, staff, and volunteers. This can be done through social media posts, website content, and other marketing materials. By demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusivity within your own organization, you can build trust with potential donors and show them that your cause is truly dedicated to promoting these values.

Non-profit organizations can also highlight how their cause supports diversity and inclusivity through the work they do. For example, an organization focused on education may highlight their efforts to promote equal access to education for all students, regardless of their background. Similarly, an organization focused on healthcare may highlight their commitment to providing affordable and accessible healthcare to underserved communities.

In addition to highlighting diversity and inclusivity in your messaging and marketing materials, it’s important to ensure that your organization’s practices and policies reflect these values. This may include offering sensitivity training for staff and volunteers, implementing non-discrimination policies, and actively seeking to promote diversity and inclusivity within your organization.

12. Make it easy to share

Gen Z is a generation that loves to share their experiences on social media, whether it’s a new outfit or a meal at a restaurant. Non-profit organizations can tap into this desire to share by making it easy for Gen Z donors to share their donation experience on social media. By providing shareable content such as graphics or videos, organizations can help donors spread the word about their cause and inspire others to give.

One way to make it easy for Gen Z donors to share their donation experience is by providing shareable graphics or images that donors can post on social media. These graphics can include a message of thanks to donors or a quote from someone who has been impacted by the organization’s work. By providing easy-to-share content, organizations can encourage donors to share their donation experience and promote their cause to their social networks.

Videos are another powerful tool for sharing on social media. By creating short, shareable videos that showcase the impact of donations or highlight the organization’s work, non-profit organizations can engage Gen Z donors and inspire them to share the video with their friends and followers. These videos can be shared on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube, where they have the potential to reach a wide audience.

In addition to providing shareable content, non-profit organizations can also encourage donors to share their donation experience by including social sharing buttons on their donation pages. This makes it easy for donors to share their donation with their friends and followers on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. By making it easy to share, organizations can amplify their message and reach a wider audience of potential donors.

Gen Z presents a tremendous opportunity for non-profit organizations to expand their donor base and increase their impact. By understanding what motivates this generation and implementing the 12 tips we’ve shared, organizations can successfully reach and engage Gen Z donors. From leveraging social media to offering volunteer opportunities and providing incentives, these strategies can help build lasting relationships with this influential demographic and create meaningful change for years to come.