6 Steps to Create a Welcome Series for New Church Tithers

Church, Featured, Intermediate

By Jeremy Reis

Welcoming new tithers to your church is a critical part of fostering a sense of community and belonging. It’s not just about saying ‘thank you’ for their contribution; it’s also an opportunity to educate them about the importance of tithing, engage them in your church’s activities, and make them feel part of your spiritual family.

In this article, we’ll walk you through six straightforward steps to create an effective welcome series for your new church tithers. Whether you’re a seasoned church leader or just starting, these steps will help you build strong relationships with your congregation and ensure that every new tither feels valued and appreciated. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Step 1: Define the Goals of the Welcome Series

As a church leader or community outreach staff member, your role is pivotal in creating a welcoming environment for new tithers. An email welcome series is a great way to welcome the new church donor!

The primary goal of your welcome series should be to make new church tithers feel welcomed, appreciated, and integrated into the community. This initial interaction can set the tone for their future involvement in the church. It’s not just about acknowledging their monetary contribution; it’s also about recognizing their willingness to support the church and its mission. By expressing genuine gratitude and making them feel valued, you nurture a positive connection that can encourage ongoing engagement.

The secondary goal of your welcome series should be to educate new tithers about the significance of tithing and its benefits. While many who tithe may already understand its biblical basis, it’s essential to reinforce this understanding and highlight the spiritual and communal benefits it brings. Tithing is not merely a financial transaction; it’s a form of worship, an act of faith, and a way of contributing to the church’s mission and outreach activities.

To achieve these goals, it’s crucial to communicate effectively. Use language that is warm, inclusive, and appreciative. Make sure your messaging resonates with the values and beliefs of your church community.

Moreover, education about tithing should be delivered in a manner that is informative, inspiring, and respectful. Emphasize the spiritual aspect of tithing, referencing relevant scriptures or teachings that elucidate its importance. Share stories about how tithes have been used within your church or wider community to create a visible link between the act of tithing and its impact.

However, remember that while tithing is a significant part of many Christian denominations, it’s essential to approach this topic with sensitivity. Some members might be experiencing financial difficulties or may have different views on tithing. Ensure your communication is respectful of these varying perspectives and circumstances.

In addition to welcoming and educating new tithers, your welcome series can also serve as an opportunity to introduce them to other aspects of church life. You might want to inform them about upcoming events, invite them to join bible study groups or volunteer activities, or simply encourage them to reach out if they have questions or need spiritual support.

A well-defined welcome series can greatly enhance new tithers’ experience and engagement with your church. By making them feel valued and appreciated, and by educating them about the importance and impact of their tithes, you lay a strong foundation for their ongoing participation in your church community. It’s a worthy investment of time and effort that can yield lasting benefits for both the individual tither and the church as a whole.

Step 2: Outlining the Content in Each Welcome Series Email

One of your goals is to create a meaningful connection with new tithers. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through a well-structured email series. The content of each email plays a crucial role in engaging new tithers and fostering a strong relationship with them.

A Warm Welcome Message

The first email should include a warm welcome message. This is your initial opportunity to express gratitude for their contribution and make them feel valued. It’s important to personalize this message as much as possible. If feasible, use the new tither’s name and mention the specific amount or date of their first tithe. This personal touch can make a big difference in establishing a positive rapport.

Information about Tithing and Its Importance

The second email could focus on providing information about tithing and its importance. This is an opportunity to deepen their understanding of why tithing matters, both from a spiritual and a communal perspective. You might want to reference relevant scriptures, discuss the biblical basis for tithing, and explain how tithes are used within your church. However, it’s essential to convey this information in a respectful and non-demanding manner that acknowledges the voluntary nature of tithing.

Updates on Church Events and Activities

The third email could provide updates on upcoming church events and activities. This is a great way to keep new tithers informed and engaged. Whether it’s a Sunday service, a bible study group, a volunteer opportunity, or a special event like a fundraiser or a community outreach program, these updates can encourage new tithers to participate more actively in church life.

Stories from Existing Members About Their Church Experiences

The fourth email could feature stories from existing members about their church experiences. Real-life testimonials can be powerful tools for illustrating the impact of the church. These stories could highlight how the church has enriched members’ spiritual lives, how the church has helped the donor connect to the community, or how tithing has supported the church’s mission and outreach activities.

Contact Information for Any Questions or Concerns

Lastly, each email should include contact information for any questions or concerns. This shows new tithers that you’re open to communication and ready to provide support. You might want to designate a specific person or team as the point of contact.

The content of your welcome emails should be designed to engage, educate, and inspire. By incorporating a variety of content, from a personal welcome message to informative updates and inspiring stories, you can create a rich, meaningful experience for new tithers. Remember, each email is an opportunity to reinforce their decision to tithe, deepen their connection with your church, and foster their ongoing engagement.

Step 3: Establishing a Timeline for When Emails Should be Sent

Establishing an effective timeline for your welcome email series is an integral part of engaging new tithers. The timing of your emails can significantly influence their effectiveness and impact on the recipient.

Initial Welcome Email

The initial welcome email should be sent immediately after a new member’s first tithe. This immediate response shows that you value and appreciate their contribution. It helps create a positive first impression and sets the tone for future communication. In this email, express your gratitude, give them a warm welcome, and let them know what to expect from your email series.

Follow-up Emails

After the initial welcome email, follow-up emails should be sent on a regular schedule. The frequency of these emails will depend on your church’s communication plan and the specific needs of your congregation.

Weekly emails could be beneficial in maintaining consistent engagement with new tithers. They provide regular touchpoints that keep your church top-of-mind and help new tithers feel more connected to your community. These weekly emails could include updates on upcoming church events, educational content about tithing, or inspirational messages to uplift their spirits.

On the other hand, monthly emails may be more suitable if you’re concerned about overwhelming your new tithers with too much communication. Monthly emails can still provide valuable information and maintain a sense of connection without seeming intrusive. They could contain a summary of the past month’s activities, a preview of upcoming events, or an in-depth discussion on a particular aspect of tithing.

Regardless of whether you choose to send emails weekly or monthly, it’s crucial to maintain consistency. Regular communication shows that you’re reliable and committed to keeping new tithers informed and engaged.

Special Considerations

While setting up your timeline, consider special occasions or church events that might warrant additional communication. For example, during holiday seasons or fundraising campaigns, you might want to send extra emails to inform new tithers about these events and how their tithes contribute to their success.

Also, be mindful of the timing of your emails. Aim to send them at a time when they’re most likely to be read. This could vary depending on your congregation’s demographics and habits.

Establishing an effective timeline for your welcome email series is crucial for maintaining engagement with new tithers. An immediate welcome email followed by consistent follow-up emails can help new tithers feel valued, informed, and connected to your church community. By carefully considering the frequency and timing of your emails, you can optimize their impact and foster stronger relationships with your new tithers.

Step 4: Crafting an Introductory Email Template

Crafting an engaging introductory email is a pivotal step in establishing a strong connection with new tithers. The tone and content of this email can significantly influence new tithers’ perception of your church and their willingness to engage further.

Creating a Warm, Inviting Tone

Firstly, aim for a warm, inviting tone. This sets the stage for a positive and welcoming relationship. The language you use should be friendly, appreciative, and inclusive, reflecting the values and atmosphere of your church community.

Expressing Gratitude

Begin the email by expressing gratitude for the new tither’s contribution. This acknowledgment is essential in making them feel valued and appreciated. Personalize this message as much as possible, using the tither’s name and mentioning the specific amount or date of their first tithe, if feasible. A personalized message can have a much more significant impact than a generic one.

Here’s an example of how you might start your email:

“Dear [Name],

We are deeply grateful for your recent tithe of [amount] on [date]. Your generous contribution is not just a financial gift; it’s a testament to your faith and commitment to our church community.”

Providing Information about Your Church and Tithing

After thanking the new tither, provide some information about your church and tithing. This could include a brief overview of your church’s mission, values, and activities, as well as an explanation of the significance of tithing in your church. You might want to reference relevant scriptures or teachings to reinforce the spiritual basis of tithing.

Here’s how you could incorporate this into your email:

“Our church is committed to [describe mission/values/activities]. Your tithe plays a vital role in supporting these efforts. According to [reference scripture or teaching], tithing is an act of faith and a way of giving back to God what He has generously given to us. By tithing, you’re not only supporting our church but also deepening your own spiritual journey.”

Including Contact Information

Conclude the email by providing contact information for any queries. This shows that you’re open to communication and ready to provide support. You might want to designate a specific person or team as the point of contact.

Here’s an example of how you could wrap up your email:

“If you have any questions or would like more information about our church or tithing, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact [name] at [email/phone number]. We’re here to support you in your journey of faith.”

Crafting an effective introductory email involves creating a warm tone, expressing gratitude, providing relevant information, and offering support. Such an email can not only make new tithers feel welcomed and valued but also educate them about your church and tithing and encourage further engagement. Remember, this introductory email is just the first step in building an ongoing relationship with your new tithers.

Step 5: Creating Engaging Subject Lines

Crafting engaging subject lines for your emails is an essential step in your communication strategy. The subject line is the first thing that new tithers see when they receive your email. It has the power to influence whether they open the email or ignore it. Therefore, it’s crucial to make your subject lines as compelling as possible.

Keeping Subject Lines Short

The first rule of thumb for creating effective subject lines is to keep them short. Most email clients display only the first 50-60 characters of a subject line. If your subject line is too long, important information may be cut off, reducing its impact. Aim for about 5-7 words or less than 50 characters.

Making Subject Lines Engaging

Next, make your subject lines engaging. They should pique the recipient’s curiosity or interest, prompting them to open the email. This can be achieved by using action words, asking a question, or making a bold statement.

For example, instead of a generic subject like “Church Update,” you might use something more dynamic like “Discover What’s New at [Church Name]!” This creates a sense of anticipation and excitement, encouraging the recipient to read more.

Personalizing Subject Lines

Personalization can also make your subject lines more engaging. Addressing the recipient by name or referencing their specific action (like their recent tithe) can make the subject line more relevant and appealing to them.

For example, “Thank You for Your Generosity, [Name]!” is a personalized subject line that expresses appreciation for the recipient’s specific contribution. This can make the recipient feel valued and recognized, increasing the likelihood that they’ll open your email.

Making Subject Lines Relevant

Finally, ensure that your subject lines are relevant. They should accurately reflect the content of the email. Misleading subject lines can frustrate recipients and damage your credibility.

For example, if your email is about an upcoming church event, your subject line might be “Join Us for [Event Name] at [Church Name]!” This clearly communicates what the email is about, helping the recipient decide whether they’re interested in the content.

Examples of Engaging Subject Lines

Here are a few examples of engaging subject lines for different types of emails:

  • Welcome Email: “Welcome to Our Church Family, [Name]!”
  • Tithing Information Email: “Unlock the Blessings of Tithing, [Name]!”
  • Church Events Update: “Exciting Events Coming Up at [Church Name]!”
  • Tithing Testimonials Email: “Discover How Tithing Transformed [Member’s Name]’s Life!”

Creating engaging subject lines is a vital aspect of effective email communication with new tithers. By keeping your subject lines short, engaging, personalized, and relevant, you can increase open rates, foster engagement, and build stronger relationships with your new tithers.

Step 6: Writing Emails That Will Capture the Reader’s Attention

Writing emails that capture the reader’s attention is a fundamental part of creating a successful communication strategy for your church. These emails serve as a direct line of communication between you and new tithers, making it crucial to craft messages that engage, inform, and inspire.

Keeping Emails Concise

The first step to capturing the reader’s attention is to keep your emails concise. In today’s fast-paced world, people often skim through their inboxes, so lengthy emails might be overlooked or ignored. Aim to communicate your message succinctly, using clear and straightforward language. Break up text into short paragraphs or bullet points to make it easier to digest.

Using a Friendly, Conversational Tone

Adopting a friendly, conversational tone can make your emails more engaging. This approachable style mirrors face-to-face conversation and helps to establish a personal connection with the reader. It also reflects the welcoming nature of your church community.

For instance, instead of writing “The church appreciates your contribution,” you could say, “We’re so thrilled you’ve joined us in our mission! Your generous gift truly makes a difference.”

Personalizing Your Messages

Personalization is another effective way to capture the reader’s attention. By addressing the recipient by their name and referencing their specific actions or interests, you can make your emails feel more relevant and personalized. This level of detail shows the reader that you value them as an individual, not just as a name on a mailing list.

Incorporating Compelling Stories or Testimonials

Stories and testimonials can be powerful tools in your emails. They provide real-life examples of the impact of tithing within your church community, helping to inspire new tithers. These narratives can range from stories about how tithes have supported church projects to testimonials from members about how tithing has enriched their spiritual lives.

For example, “Meet James, a long-time member of our church. James started tithing five years ago and shares how this practice has deepened his faith and connected him more closely with our community.”

Providing Informative Content

Lastly, ensure your emails are informative. While it’s essential to keep them engaging and personal, they should also offer valuable information. This could include details about upcoming events, educational content about tithing, or updates about how tithes are being used within the church. Providing this information not only keeps new tithers informed but also reinforces the value and impact of their contributions.

Capturing the reader’s attention in your emails involves a combination of conciseness, friendliness, personalization, storytelling, and informative content. By adopting these strategies, you can create compelling emails that resonate with new tithers, fostering engagement and strengthening your church community. Remember, effective email communication is about building relationships, not just conveying information. So, let your church’s unique voice and values shine through in every email you send.

Effective email communication is a vital tool for church leaders and community outreach staff to engage new tithers and foster a sense of belonging within the church community. Crafting a warm and inviting introductory email, creating engaging subject lines, and writing emails that capture the reader’s attention are all steps towards building meaningful relationships with your new tithers.

Remember, each email is an opportunity to express appreciation for their contributions, provide valuable information, and highlight the impact of their tithing within the church community. Personalization, storytelling, and a friendly, conversational tone can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your communications.

By implementing these strategies, you’re not just improving your email communications; you’re strengthening your church community, promoting the practice of tithing, and deepening the spiritual journey of your members. In the end, it’s all about connecting with people, sharing your church’s mission, and fostering a sense of shared purpose and belonging.