The Art of the Follow-Up: Ensuring That Your Donors are Informed, Engaged, and Primed for Future Support

Beginner, Donor Communication, Fundraising

By Jeremy Reis

We’ve all heard it said, “It’s not about the destination; it’s the journey.” This truism couldn’t be more fitting in the world of nonprofit fundraising. Sure, getting a donation is wonderful, a confirmation that someone believes in your mission. But the journey that unfolds after that donation? That’s where the magic happens. It’s the art of the follow-up.

Let me share a story with you. Once upon a time (because all the best tales begin this way), there was a small nonprofit called ‘Sheltering Hope.’ They were passionate but always teetering on the edge of their budget. One day, a modest donation came in from a certain Ms. Eleanor, a retired teacher with a soft spot for community causes.

Instead of simply depositing the check and moving on, Sheltering Hope decided to pen a heartfelt thank-you note. They told Eleanor precisely how her donation would make a difference. But they didn’t stop there. Over the next year, Eleanor received updates: photos of families they’d helped, success stories, and transparent budget break-downs. They made Eleanor feel like she was walking the journey with them, every step of the way.

A year later, to their surprise, Eleanor left a significant portion of her estate to Sheltering Hope. She felt connected, informed, and most importantly, valued.

That’s the power of a follow-up. It’s more than just keeping donors informed; it’s about weaving them into your narrative, making them heroes in your shared story. It’s about ensuring they aren’t just supporters for a moment, but champions for a lifetime.

Key Takeaways from This Blog Post:

  1. Personalized Engagement: Treat donors as partners in your mission rather than just fund providers. Personalized thank you notes, feedback solicitation, and involving them in the organization’s operations can foster this sense of partnership.
  2. Priming for Continued Support: After a donation, it’s essential to showcase the tangible impact of a donor’s contribution and the potential of their continued support. Keeping them informed about future projects makes them feel included and valuable.
  3. Effective Follow-Ups: Segmenting donors, leveraging multichannel communication, maintaining regular communication, and soliciting feedback are vital. This ensures that each donor feels valued and understood, fostering a deeper connection to the cause.
  4. Avoid Common Pitfalls: Avoiding impersonal interactions, overwhelming donors with information, and failing to acknowledge their contributions are critical to maintain a healthy relationship. Gratitude and acknowledgment go a long way.
  5. Genuine Authenticity: In all communications and actions, authenticity is paramount. In a digitized world, raw, genuine interactions stand out and can make a lasting impact.

The Why

Why should you, the relentless fundraiser, invest in a follow-up? The answer is nuanced but starts with a single word: trust. When you’re at the crossroads of mission-critical initiatives and the need for resources, trust becomes your currency. And believe me, in the world of nonprofit fundraising, trust is the gateway to sustainable support.

Firstly, let’s tackle the foundation: building trust and nurturing robust relationships. Imagine a world where your donors are not merely transactional touchpoints but allies, champions, and friends. Sounds dreamy, right? Yet, it’s entirely attainable. Every time you reach out post-donation with a thank-you, an update, or a story, you’re laying a brick of trust. That foundation, once established, will bear the weight of future asks, potential crises, and the ebb and flow of support. Relationships are no less crucial in the non-profit world than they are in our personal lives. They need time, nurturing, and yes, a follow-up.

But let’s marry this art with some science. Data, consistently, showcases a staggering revelation: regular communication boosts donor retention. It’s not merely about the warmth of good feelings but the hard math of keeping a donor engaged. After all, an informed donor is less likely to drift away, searching for causes that make them feel more involved. Regular follow-ups create a rhythm, an expectation, and a bond. This consistent touchpoint reminds them not only of your cause but of their invaluable role within it.

Now, let’s step into the shoes of a donor, shall we? They’ve just generously parted with their hard-earned money, spurred by empathy and a desire to make a difference. They’re floating on a cloud of altruistic satisfaction. But as days turn to weeks, without any word from your end, that cloud dissipates. On the flip side, imagine the multiplying joy when they are regularly shown the difference they’re making. Their sense of fulfillment and connection to the cause doesn’t just remain; it grows. They don’t see their donation as a drop in the ocean but a ripple creating change.

In the ballet of fundraising, while the first step might be the ask, the dance truly begins with the follow-up. It’s the tool that turns momentary support into a symphony of lifelong commitment.

Informing: Keep Your Donors in the Loop

You’ve successfully navigated the challenging waters of acquiring donors – hats off to you! But now comes a step just as crucial, if not more: keeping them aboard your ship. How? By ensuring they always have a clear view of the horizon. In the world of fundraising, that horizon is painted with information, transparency, and genuine stories.

Let’s dive into the first brushstroke: sharing updates on projects they’ve funded or causes they’ve supported. Your donors aren’t just ATMs; they’re real people with genuine passion for your cause. When Joe from Texas donates to a clean water project in Africa, he isn’t just sending money into the void. He’s imagining a child taking that first sip of clean water. Months later, when Joe receives a photo of that very well he funded, bustling with joyous villagers, his heart swells. He’s not just an outsider; he’s an integral part of this story. Informing donors brings them closer to the action, turning them from spectators into participants.

Next, there’s a type of magic that’s irreplaceable in this dance of keeping donors looped in: success stories. Real, heartfelt tales that put a face to their contribution. When Susan from Seattle learns that her donation helped Maria, a young girl in Guatemala, attend school for a year, it’s not just a statistic. It’s a life transformed. By sharing Maria’s dreams of becoming a teacher and how she’s now one step closer, you’ve bridged thousands of miles between Susan and Maria. Suddenly, the impact is tangible, personal, and profound.

However, in this ever-cynical world, there’s one element that stands as a pillar: transparent financial reporting. We’ve all heard those stories – tales of funds misused or misdirected. And it’s left many a potential donor wary. By laying out a clear trail of where every cent goes, you’re making a bold statement: We value your trust. When a donor sees that 90 cents of their dollar went directly to medical supplies for a clinic or books for a community library, they sleep better. And more importantly, they donate again.

In this narrative of change, information isn’t just a courtesy; it’s a covenant. One that says, “We’re in this together, every step of the way.”

Engaging: Making Your Donors Feel Valued

In the sprawling tapestry of philanthropy, each donor is not merely a thread but a vibrant stroke of color, bringing the picture to life. It’s easy, amidst the hustle and bustle of nonprofit operations, to forget that behind every donation lies a beating heart with dreams, desires, and the innate longing to be recognized. This isn’t about ego; it’s about connection. So how do we keep this connection vibrant? Through genuine engagement.

Picture this: personalized thank you messages. No, not those automated, sterile emails that land with a digital thud. I’m talking about heartfelt messages that resonate with sincerity. When John receives a note that reads, “Dear John, your contribution is helping us plant 100 trees in the Amazon this month,” he doesn’t just feel acknowledged; he feels seen. Such a simple act, yet it transforms John from being a faceless donor to a cherished partner.

But why stop there? How about inviting donors to exclusive events or offering behind-the-scenes looks? There’s a certain magic that unfolds when a donor witnesses the raw, unfiltered side of your operations. It could be a virtual tour of a project site, a Q&A session with beneficiaries, or an intimate gala. These aren’t just events; they’re experiences, allowing donors to delve deeper into the world they’re supporting.

Now, for a touch of brilliance: encouraging feedback and genuinely valuing their suggestions. This might seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the organization the expert? While true, remember, your donors often bring a fresh, external perspective. By creating channels for their voices — be it surveys, focus groups, or simple feedback forms — you’re not just collecting data. You’re weaving them into your mission’s fabric, showing them that their insights matter.

Lastly, let’s talk about spotlighting them with donor stories or testimonials in newsletters or on your website. This isn’t just about flaunting big names or hefty contributions. It’s about celebrating the community you’ve built. When Sarah reads about Tom, a college student who fundraised by running a marathon, she’s inspired. She thinks, “If Tom can, maybe I can too.”

Engagement isn’t a one-off act; it’s a continuous waltz. And in this dance, it’s crucial to remember: your donors aren’t just onlookers. They’re co-creators, pivotal in scripting your success story. So, make them feel that. Every single day.

Priming for Future Support: Planting the Seeds for the Next Ask

Imagine, if you will, the journey of a seed. Buried deep within the earth, with just a promise of potential, it waits. And with the right nurturing — sunlight, water, and care — it sprouts, growing towards its destined bloom. Donor relationships are strikingly similar. After the initial act of giving, they carry within them the potential for so much more. It’s upon us to nurture that potential, paving the way for their continued support.

The art lies in building on their previous support. Picture Lisa, who last year funded a library in a remote village. To her, it was a singular act of charity. But what if she knew that with just a bit more support, that library could run literacy classes? That her single library could light the lamp of education for an entire community? By showing donors like Lisa the scalable impact of their continued contributions, we’re not just asking again; we’re presenting a vision of a brighter, better world. A world they have the power to co-create.

Then there’s the power of anticipation. By keeping donors informed about upcoming projects or challenges, we’re building an atmosphere of inclusivity. It’s akin to giving them a sneak peek into the future. When James learns that the animal shelter he supports plans to rescue more endangered species next month, he’s already mentally gearing up. The upcoming project isn’t just an organizational agenda; it becomes a shared dream, a collective aspiration.

But here’s the golden nugget: making them feel not as donors, but as teammates. This is where donor prospect research is just one part of the formula. To make them realize they are an integral part of the team goes beyond merely appreciating their financial contribution. When Rebecca, a long-time supporter, receives a handwritten note, not from the fundraising department, but from the field workers, expressing how her support has been their strength, a profound transformation occurs. Rebecca no longer views her role as an outsider providing funds; she sees herself as a team member, shoulder to shoulder with those on the ground.

Priming for future support isn’t just about the next donation. It’s about fostering a sense of continuity, belonging, and shared purpose. So the next time you’re gearing up for the “next ask,” remember: it’s not about extracting another seed. It’s about nurturing the garden of potential that every donor brings to the table, guiding them towards their most magnificent bloom.

Key Strategies for Effective Follow-Ups

Embarking on the journey of follow-ups, dear fundraisers, isn’t merely about sending a ‘thank you’ note or an occasional newsletter. It’s about orchestrating a symphony where each note, each pause, and each crescendo is meticulously planned to evoke a specific emotion. So, how do we ensure this symphony resonates with our diverse and discerning audience? Let’s delve into the key strategies.

First on our list is the subtle art of segmenting your donors. Imagine playing Mozart for a crowd that adores jazz or belting out rock for classical aficionados. It doesn’t quite strike the right chord, does it? Our donor base, as varied as musical genres, needs that tailor-made touch. Segment them based on donation size, frequency, interests, or demographics. When young Alice, who gave a modest sum, receives a heartfelt message about how her contribution was pivotal, she feels seen. Meanwhile, corporate donor, GlobalTech, appreciates a detailed report showcasing fiscal impact. Tailoring the message isn’t just about relevance; it’s about resonance.

Then, we wade into the waters of leveraging multichannel communication. In today’s digital age, limiting ourselves to one medium is akin to playing a piano with just one key. Diversify! Use emails for regular updates, social media for real-time stories, snail mail for personalized gratitude, and phone calls for that human touch. Remember, different strokes for different folks. While Millennial Mike might appreciate an Instagram story about your project, Grandma Grace might cherish a handwritten letter.

Now, let’s talk rhythm with regularity. Setting a consistent communication schedule ensures your donors are neither overwhelmed nor forgotten. It’s like the beats of a metronome, providing a structure to your symphony. Perhaps it’s a monthly newsletter, quarterly project updates, or bi-annual feedback sessions. Consistency not only builds trust but expectation.

Lastly, we can’t overlook the profound power of asking for feedback regularly. The best symphonies evolve. Regular feedback ensures your performance remains en pointe. Did a donor feel a particular update was vague? Clarify next time. Was someone touched by a beneficiary’s story? Feature more of them! This iterative approach keeps your strategies both dynamic and effective.

To master the symphony of follow-ups is to understand that it’s not a monologue but a dialogue, a dance, a shared journey. With these strategies in your arsenal, you’re not just making noise; you’re making music that lingers long after the last note fades.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Ah, the nonprofit world. A realm of passion, purpose, and occasionally… pitfalls. As fundraisers, our hearts often brim with enthusiasm, urging us to sprint toward our mission. But in this very sprint, sometimes, we stumble. It’s not out of malice or neglect but often from sheer eagerness or oversight. Let’s venture into some common missteps in donor relations, not to chastise but to chart a clearer path forward.

Foremost is the blunder of being overly transactional or impersonal. Let’s be real, no one wishes to be treated like a walking wallet. Picture this: Sarah makes a donation. All she receives in return is an automated receipt with a cold “Transaction Complete.” The interaction, devoid of warmth or humanity, leaves Sarah feeling less like a valued supporter and more like a number in a database. Our donors aren’t just fund providers; they’re partners in our vision. Every interaction should echo this sentiment.

Then there’s the well-intentioned avalanche, or as I like to call it, overloading donors with too much information or constant asks. Enthusiasm? Commendable. Overwhelm? Avoidable. Imagine Paul, who after a generous donation, receives daily emails, weekly reports, and bi-weekly appeals for more funds. Paul, drowning in a deluge of data and asks, soon finds the ‘unsubscribe’ button. The key? Balance. Think of donor communication as a gourmet meal. It should be substantial, yet not overfilling; rich in content, but easy to digest.

Last, but by no means least, is the sin of not acknowledging previous contributions or neglecting to say ‘thank you’. This might seem basic, yet it’s astonishing how often it’s overlooked. Recall Linda, who donated in memory of her mother. Months go by, and as new campaigns launch and newsletters flow, not once is her heartfelt contribution mentioned. Not once does she hear that simple, yet powerful, phrase: “Thank you.” Gratitude isn’t just good manners; it’s the cornerstone of donor relationships.

In the passionate dance of fundraising, these missteps can seem minor. Yet, it’s often the subtle nuances that transform a good performance into a stellar one. So as we strive to change the world, one campaign, one donor at a time, let’s tread mindfully, celebrating not just the funds, but the humans behind them. Because in this quest, it’s not just about reaching the destination, but cherishing every step of the journey.

In a world brimming with polished pitches and automated responses, dare to be genuine. Dare to be authentic. Whether you’re penning a thank you note, sharing an update, or even presenting a challenge — let it resonate with raw, unfiltered sincerity. Let donors see, feel, and believe that behind the mission-driven facade is a heart that truly values their role.