7 Reasons Donors Choose Monthly Commitments

Monthly Giving

By Jeremy Reis

Monthly giving programs have become increasingly popular among nonprofits, and for good reason. Donors who commit to regular monthly contributions provide a reliable source of income that allows organizations to plan for the future and make a lasting impact.

As a fundraiser, understanding the motivations behind why donors choose monthly commitments is crucial to developing effective strategies for promoting and growing your monthly giving program. This is especially important for recurring giving programs that are not one-to-one programs, like child sponsorship. Child sponsorship programs have a natural connection for donors. In this article, we’ll explore seven key reasons donors opt for monthly giving and how you can use this knowledge to strengthen your fundraising efforts.

Table of Contents

1. Convenience: Making Giving Effortless

Monthly giving offers unparalleled convenience for donors. By setting up automatic donations, supporters no longer need to remember to write a check or submit a payment each month. This seamless integration with their personal budgets makes giving a hassle-free experience. As a fundraiser, emphasize the ease and simplicity of monthly giving in your appeals, highlighting the “set it and forget it” nature of the program.

To make monthly giving even more convenient, ensure that your donation form is user-friendly and optimized for mobile devices. Provide clear instructions and minimize the number of steps required to set up a recurring gift. One of the first things I look at when helping an organization with their monthly giving program is the ease of signup and operational support. By removing barriers and streamlining the process, you’ll encourage more donors to embrace the convenience of monthly giving.

2. Increased Impact: Small Gifts, Big Difference

One of the most compelling reasons donors choose monthly giving is the opportunity to make a more significant impact over time. While a one-time gift of $100 is undoubtedly appreciated, a monthly commitment of $10 adds up to $120 over the course of a year. This cumulative effect allows donors to contribute more than they might feel comfortable giving in a single transaction.

As a fundraiser, communicate the power of small, consistent gifts. Use concrete examples to illustrate how monthly donations can sustain long-term projects or provide ongoing support for beneficiaries. Often, people who give monthly gifts will also give gifts above and beyond the recurring gift. For example, at one organization, our average monthly donor gave 14.1 gifts per year. These donors were so committed they gave two extra financial gifts each year. By showing donors the tangible difference their monthly contributions make, you’ll inspire them to become loyal, long-term supporters.

3. Relationship Building: Fostering Meaningful Connections

Monthly giving creates a unique opportunity to build deeper relationships with your donors. By committing to regular support, donors demonstrate a strong belief in your mission and a desire to be part of your organization’s journey. As a fundraiser, it’s essential to nurture these relationships through personalized stewardship.

One of the most effective ways to help reduce initial donor attrition (the percentage of donors who quit giving) is to make a welcome phone call and send a thank you note or card. Donors really love it when you show gratitude!

Example Thank You Letter for Monthly Donor

Dear [Donor’s Name],

On behalf of everyone at [Nonprofit Organization], I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your decision to become a monthly donor. Your commitment to our cause is truly inspiring, and we are honored to have you as a partner in our mission.

Your monthly gift of [Donation Amount] will make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve. With your consistent support, we can plan for the future and ensure that our programs have the resources they need to create lasting change. Your generosity will help us [specific impact, e.g., provide meals for hungry families, offer educational opportunities to underprivileged children, or protect endangered species and their habitats].

As a monthly donor, you are now part of our special community of dedicated supporters. We value your trust and partnership, and we look forward to keeping you informed about the impact your gifts are making. Expect to receive regular updates, stories of success, and exclusive invitations to events where you can see firsthand the difference your support is making.

Thank you again for your compassion, generosity, and unwavering commitment to our cause. Your decision to give monthly is a testament to your belief in our work and the power of collective action. Together, we will continue to [organization’s mission or goal].

With gratitude,

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Nonprofit Organization]

P.S. If you have any questions about your monthly donation or would like to learn more about other ways to get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number]. Thank you again for your support!

Develop a communication plan specifically for monthly donors. Share regular updates on the impact of their gifts, invite them to exclusive events, and provide opportunities for feedback and engagement. By making monthly donors feel valued and connected to your work, you’ll foster a sense of loyalty and encourage them to continue their support for years to come.

4. Affordability: Giving Within Reach

For many donors, monthly giving is an attractive option because it allows them to make a meaningful contribution without straining their finances. Breaking down a larger annual gift into smaller monthly installments makes donating more manageable and accessible. Emphasize the affordability aspect of monthly giving in your appeals.

Highlight the fact that monthly gifts can be as low as $5 or $10, making it possible for a wide range of supporters to get involved. Use language that suggests monthly giving is a budget-friendly way to make a difference, such as “for the cost of a monthly streaming subscription” or “skip one coffee shop visit each month.” By framing monthly giving as an affordable option, you’ll encourage more donors to take that first step towards ongoing support.

5. Tangible Results: Seeing the Difference

Donors want to know that their contributions are making a real difference. Monthly giving provides a steady stream of funding that allows nonprofits to plan and implement programs with greater confidence. As a fundraiser, it’s crucial to communicate the tangible results made possible by monthly donations.

Share stories and updates that showcase the ongoing impact of your work. Highlight specific programs or initiatives that rely on consistent monthly funding, and explain how this support enables your organization to achieve its goals. By regularly demonstrating the difference monthly gifts make, you’ll reinforce the value of ongoing support and inspire donors to continue their commitments.

6. Matching Gift Potential: Doubling the Impact

Many employers offer matching gift programs that can significantly boost the impact of their employees’ charitable contributions. Monthly gifts are often eligible for these matched funds, allowing donors to double or even triple the value of their support. It’s essential to promote the potential of matching gifts to your monthly donors.

Include information about matching gifts on your donation form and in your monthly giving appeals. Encourage donors to check with their employers about available matching programs and provide resources to help them navigate the process. There are tools you can use to promote employee match programs on your website. By leveraging the power of matching gifts, you’ll help donors maximize their impact and generate additional funds for your organization.

7. Exclusive Benefits: Rewarding Loyal Support

Offering exclusive benefits to monthly donors is a powerful way to show appreciation and encourage ongoing support. These perks can range from insider updates and event invitations to branded merchandise and special recognition. As a fundraiser, develop a tiered benefits program that rewards monthly donors based on their level of giving.

Consider creating a dedicated monthly giving society with a catchy name and a sense of community. Offer unique opportunities for engagement, such as virtual town hall meetings or behind-the-scenes tours. By providing meaningful benefits and experiences, you’ll make monthly donors feel valued and strengthen their connection to your organization.

Understanding the reasons donors choose monthly giving is essential for any fundraiser looking to build a strong and sustainable recurring giving program. By emphasizing convenience, impact, affordability, and the power of relationships, you can effectively promote monthly giving and inspire more donors to make long-term commitments.

Remember to communicate tangible results, promote matching gift opportunities, and offer exclusive benefits to show your appreciation for your monthly supporters. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving monthly giving program that powers your mission for years to come.

Take Our Free Monthly Giving Course!

Are you looking for a way to turbocharge your recurring giving program? Learn how to get more monthly donors and keep them with our free course: 7 Secrets for a Successful Monthly Giving Program.