Building a Sponsorship Package

Advanced, Corporate

By Jeremy Reis

At its heart, a sponsorship package is your organization’s resume; it’s a compelling presentation of opportunities tailored for corporate sponsors, showcasing how their support can elevate both your missions. Think of it not just as a list of prices and perks but as a story where their brand and your cause create impactful ripples together.

And why, you ask, is this liaison with corporate sponsors so darn vital? For starters, it’s not just about the funds. Sure, the financial boost is welcome, but corporate sponsorships also offer enriched brand visibility, expanded audience outreach, and a chance to align with values that resonate with their own stakeholders. For your nonprofit, it means amplified impact, diversified funding, and the opportunity to tap into resources and expertise that go beyond mere dollars.

So, gear up! Let’s delve deeper and craft a package that’s not just informative but irresistibly persuasive. Because your cause deserves powerful allies.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Fundraisers, it’s time to think like marketers.

Profiling Potential Corporate Sponsors

Fundraising isn’t a scattergun approach where we aimlessly chase every corporate entity with a dollar to its name. No, it’s a targeted mission. And just like a marketer must understand their customer, you need to understand your potential sponsor.

First, pinpoint corporations that align with your cause. If you’re an environmental NGO, look towards eco-conscious brands or those with green initiatives. If you’re focused on education, businesses in the tech or publishing realms might be up your alley.

Next, consider their target demographic. If a corporation’s primary audience aligns with the community you serve, that’s a match made in heaven. Why? Because every business wants to resonate with its consumers, and if backing your cause can achieve that, they’ll likely be more receptive.

Lastly, size matters. While it’s tempting to only chase the big fish, medium to smaller enterprises can often provide more personalized, hands-on support and collaboration. Their sponsorships might be driven by local or more personal motivations, making them potentially enthusiastic partners.

Recognizing the Mutual Benefits of Sponsorship

The word of the day? Synergy. If you approach a potential sponsor, touting only how their funds will help your organization, you’re only telling half the story. To craft a compelling pitch, highlight the mutual benefits.

  1. Brand Enhancement: By sponsoring your nonprofit, corporations can showcase their philanthropic side, enriching their brand’s image. In an age where consumers are socially conscious and prefer brands that give back, this is no small advantage.

  2. Audience Engagement: Through events, campaigns, and promotions, sponsors can engage a new and wider audience, foster goodwill, and even create potential brand loyalists.

  3. Employee Morale: Many studies have shown that employees take pride in working for companies that are socially responsible. A sponsorship can boost morale, and in some cases, even provide volunteer opportunities for employees, deepening their engagement with their employer.

  4. Tax Incentives: Depending on the region and the nature of the sponsorship, corporations might be eligible for tax breaks, an attractive proposition for many.

  5. Diversified Engagement: Unlike straightforward advertisements, sponsorships can offer more profound and varied brand exposure. Whether it’s a logo on an event banner or a shoutout in a community outreach program, these touchpoints create lasting impressions.

Understanding your corporate audience isn’t a mere step in the sponsorship journey – it’s the cornerstone. By tailoring your approach to each potential sponsor and underscoring the mutual benefits, you’re not just asking for a donation. You’re proposing a partnership that drives both your missions forward. And that, dear fundraisers, is a win-win proposition.

Components of a Successful Sponsorship Package

Alright, fundraisers, you’ve done the legwork. You’ve profiled your potential sponsors, recognized the mutual benefits, and now you’re ready to craft that irresistible package. But what are the magic ingredients? Let’s dive into the essential components that make a sponsorship package not just good, but great.

Cover Letter: Making a Strong First Impression

You don’t get a second chance at a first impression. Think of your cover letter as the elevator pitch – concise, engaging, and directly to the point. Start with gratitude, briefly introduce your cause, and hint at the mutual benefits. Make it personal, showing that you’ve researched the potential sponsor and genuinely believe in a synergistic partnership.

Organization Overview: Introducing Your Nonprofit and Its Mission

Who are you, and why should they care? Here, showcase the essence of your organization. Narrate your mission, your vision, and the tangible impact you’ve had. Make them believe in your cause, and more importantly, make them want to be a part of your story.

Event/Campaign Details: Specifying the What, When, Where, and Why

This is where the specifics come in. Whether you’re holding a gala, a community event, or an awareness campaign, spell out the details. Paint a vivid picture so they can visualize their brand being a part of the event. Remember, specifics matter: date, venue, expected attendees, and the core objectives of the event.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits: Tailoring Options for Different Budgets and Objectives

Not every corporation is the same. Offer tiered options – Gold, Silver, Bronze, or even more creative categories that resonate with your cause. Outline what each level offers in terms of visibility, branding, and engagement. Flexible options cater to varying budgets and engagement levels, increasing the chances of a positive response.

Testimonials and Case Studies: Demonstrating Previous Successes

Show them you’ve done it before and can do it again. Testimonials from past sponsors can reinforce trust, showcasing the tangible benefits they received. Meanwhile, case studies can detail past events or campaigns, emphasizing the achieved outcomes and the role sponsors played in that success.

Promotional Opportunities: Highlighting Media Exposure, Branding, and Marketing Value

Beyond the event, how can you offer continued visibility for your sponsors? Talk about post-event reports, newsletters, social media shout-outs, and any other platforms where their brand would be showcased. Companies love continued exposure – it gives them more bang for their buck.

Sponsorship Agreement/Contract: Outlining Terms and Conditions

While not the most glamorous part, clarity here is crucial. Define what you will deliver and what you expect in return. Make sure any agreements are in line with legal stipulations and are beneficial for both parties.

Your sponsorship package should be a compelling mix of emotion and practicality. It’s about weaving a narrative, showcasing opportunities, and making a persuasive case for partnership. Tailor, tweak, and perfect, because your mission is worth it!

Determining Sponsorship Levels and Pricing

Fundraisers, we’re deep in the trenches now. You’ve crafted a compelling narrative and outlined the myriad benefits of collaboration. But now comes the tricky part: figuring out the value of these partnerships. Let’s break down how you can set sponsorship levels and pricing that make sense for both parties.

Factors to Consider

  • Audience Reach: The broader the reach of your event or campaign, the higher the value. An event projected to attract thousands will naturally offer more exposure for a sponsor than a smaller, intimate gathering. Understand your numbers and leverage them.

  • Event Type: A gala dinner holds different weight (and costs) than a community fun run. Consider the gravitas and impact of your event when setting prices.

  • Brand Alignment: Sponsors closely aligned with your mission might be willing to invest more, seeing it as a partnership rather than mere advertising. For example, an eco-friendly brand might pay a premium to sponsor an environmental initiative.

  • Additional Value: Do you offer speaking opportunities? Exhibition booths? Product placements? All these extras add value.

Tiered Sponsorship Levels

Traditional tiered models like Gold, Silver, and Bronze work because they’re familiar. But don’t let tradition box you in. Tailor these tiers to your cause. For an animal rescue, think Lion, Leopard, Lynx; for an art foundation, maybe Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh levels.

Whatever the nomenclature, ensure clarity in benefits:

  • Gold (or its equivalent): Premium placement, most extensive reach, exclusive extras. This is the crème de la crème of sponsorship, so price it accordingly, and make sure the sponsor feels the value.

  • Silver: Still significant, with ample exposure. Perhaps they get secondary logo placement, a smaller booth, or fewer mentions.

  • Bronze: An entry-level option. It’s vital to still provide tangible value at this level to attract smaller businesses or those testing the waters.

Customized Sponsorships

Not every potential sponsor will fit neatly into your tiers, and that’s okay. Be open to crafting customized packages. Maybe a corporation doesn’t want event exposure but loves the idea of a branded content series on your platforms. Or perhaps they want to provide in-kind sponsorships instead of monetary ones. Be flexible, adapt, and negotiate. Sometimes, the most fruitful partnerships arise from thinking outside the box.

Setting sponsorship levels and pricing isn’t just about placing a monetary value on exposure. It’s an art that requires balancing your nonprofit’s needs with a keen understanding of what your sponsors are seeking. So, dig deep, be creative, and let’s build partnerships that truly resonate.

Designing a Visually Appealing Package

Alright fundraisers, let’s talk aesthetics. You’ve got the content down – the narrative, the value, the tiers – but in this age of endless stimuli, how you present is just as crucial as what you present. Let’s delve into the art of making your sponsorship package not just informative, but visually irresistible.

Importance of Professional Design and Branding

  • Credibility at First Glance: Before they read a single word, sponsors will judge your package by its look. A sleek, professional design instantly elevates your nonprofit’s credibility, showcasing you as organized, serious, and worth investing in.

  • Reinforcing Your Brand: Your package should be a seamless extension of your nonprofit’s branding. Consistent use of logos, color schemes, and fonts can reinforce brand recognition and loyalty.

  • Emotion Through Visuals: People are visual creatures. A professionally designed package can evoke emotions, be it through impactful imagery or strategic use of colors, pushing the potential sponsor a step closer to saying ‘yes’.

Tips for Creating a Digital vs. Print Package

  • Digital Package:

    • Interactive Elements: Use hyperlinks, embedded videos, or even clickable infographics to engage the viewer.
    • Optimized for Viewing: Ensure your package is viewable on various devices – desktops, tablets, smartphones.
    • File Size Matters: Keep it light. Your package shouldn’t take ages to download or eat up all the recipient’s email storage.
  • Print Package:

    • Quality Paper: This isn’t the place to skimp. Opt for high-quality, slightly thicker paper for a premium feel.
    • Binding Matters: Depending on the length, consider professional binding options. A nicely bound booklet feels more impressive than a stapled stack of papers.
    • Incorporate Pockets: This can be a neat way to include additional materials, like a DVD, brochure, or a business card.

Using Infographics and Visuals to Illustrate Impact

  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Instead of just stating “We helped 10,000 families”, visualize it. A compelling infographic can depict the number of families alongside an image that represents your cause, creating a more lasting impact.

  • Highlight Key Achievements: Use pie charts, bar graphs, or timelines to illustrate growth, milestones, or goals achieved.

  • Break Complex Data: If you have intricate data or processes, infographics can simplify and convey the message more digestibly.

  • Consistency is Key: Ensure the style of your visuals aligns with the overall branding of your package and organization.

Remember this: Your sponsorship package is like a gourmet dish. The content is the flavor – rich and compelling. But the design? That’s the presentation, the plating. And in a world where we often ‘eat with our eyes first’, a visually striking package might just be the delightful appetizer that makes sponsors crave the main course: partnering with your cause.

Tips for Effective Outreach and Promotion

Alright, nonprofit champions, so you’ve designed a stellar sponsorship package. Now comes the equally (if not more) critical part: getting it in front of the right eyes. It’s outreach time, and you’re not just casting a wide net – you’re precision fishing. Let’s delve into the strategies that ensure your package doesn’t just land, but makes waves.

Researching the Right Contact Person Within Corporations

  • Navigate Company Websites: Many corporations list key personnel, especially in their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or philanthropy departments. That’s your starting point.

  • Leverage LinkedIn: The professional network is a goldmine. You can pinpoint individuals based on their roles, departments, and even past philanthropic endeavors.

  • Avoid Generic Addresses: Emails sent to “” or “” often end up in digital voids. Seek out specific people for a better chance at being noticed.

Leveraging Existing Connections for Warm Introductions

  • Mine Your Network: Go through your nonprofit’s board, volunteers, and supporters. You’d be surprised at who knows whom. A personal introduction can vault your package to the top of the pile.

  • Engage in Networking Events: Attend industry conferences, seminars, and mixers. Face-to-face interactions can be more fruitful than cold outreach.

  • Collaborate: Partner with organizations or individuals who already have a foot in the door with your desired sponsors. A joint proposal can offer added value.

Crafting a Compelling Email Pitch

  • Subject Line is the Hook: Make it enticing. Instead of “Sponsorship Opportunity”, try “Join Us in Changing 10,000 Lives – Here’s How”.

  • Personalize: Show that you’ve done your homework. Mention past initiatives of theirs that align with your mission.

  • Clarity and Brevity: Remember, you’re pitching, not narrating. Highlight key benefits for them, include a direct link or attachment of your package, and close with a call to action.

  • Use Visuals: An embedded image or a teaser infographic can break the monotony of text and make your email stand out.

The Role of Follow-Up and Relationship Building

  • Timely Reminders: If you don’t receive a response within a week or so, send a polite follow-up. Be persistent, but not pushy.

  • Provide Value: Share updates about your nonprofit’s achievements, even if they haven’t sponsored yet. This keeps you on their radar and showcases your impact.

  • Build for the Long-Term: Not every outreach will yield immediate results. But nurturing a relationship can pave the way for collaborations down the line.

In essence, outreach isn’t about shooting in the dark. It’s strategic, personalized, and sustained effort. Your cause is incredible, and with the right approach, you’ll find partners just as passionate about it as you are. Go get them!

Negotiating and Finalizing the Deal

Listen up, nonprofit dynamos: you’re on the cusp. You’ve made your pitch, sparked interest, and now it’s down to the wire. Negotiation isn’t about ‘winning’ – it’s about crafting a mutual win-win. Let’s dive into ensuring both parties leave the table not just satisfied, but excited about the partnership.

Understanding the Sponsor’s Objectives and Aligning Them with Your Offering

  • Listen Actively: This isn’t just about what you’re offering. Tune in to the sponsor’s goals, objectives, and concerns. Are they looking for exposure? Community goodwill? Employee engagement?

  • Align Strategically: Once you grasp their objectives, highlight how your package or event will help achieve them. If they’re keen on employee engagement, emphasize volunteer opportunities within your organization or event.

  • Present Metrics: Talk isn’t enough. Provide data, demographics, or past event metrics to back your points and prove the value you’re promising.

Being Open to Adjustments and Collaboration

  • Adaptability is Key: Your package is a starting point, not the Ten Commandments. If a sponsor wants tweaks – say, more branding opportunities or a different sponsorship tier – be flexible.

  • Collaborate on Ideas: Two heads are better than one. Encourage the sponsor to voice ideas or unique ways they envision the collaboration. This not only tailors the partnership but makes them feel valued.

  • Stay True to Your Mission: While flexibility is crucial, ensure any adjustments don’t veer your nonprofit off its mission or values. This partnership should amplify your cause, not dilute it.

Closing with a Clear Agreement and Setting Expectations

  • Document Everything: Once you’ve reached a consensus, put it in writing. This isn’t mistrust; it’s clarity. Document the terms, sponsorship amount, benefits, duration, any in-kind offerings, and other pertinent details.

  • Define Deliverables: Be explicit about what you’ll provide and when. If they’re promised ten shout-outs on social media, specify the platforms and the timeline.

  • Open Communication Channels: Designate a point of contact from both sides for smooth communication. Ensure there’s an open line for feedback, concerns, or adjustments.

  • Celebrate the Partnership: Once the ink is dry, make some noise! Announce the partnership through press releases, social media, or an email blast. Not only does it give the sponsor their first taste of exposure, but it sets the tone for a fruitful collaboration.

Remember: negotiation is an art. It’s about merging two visions into a cohesive, impactful reality. As you navigate these waters, stay grounded in your cause, embrace collaboration, and always, always champion transparency. Cheers to forging partnerships that change the world!