Fundraising Trend: Invest in Owned Media

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By Jeremy Reis

Organic social reach is dead. Social networks and social marketing is different today than it was even a year ago. The days of relying solely on organic reach on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are behind us. The digital landscape is changing, and the once-reliable organic reach on social networks is now a challenge, with platforms constantly tweaking their algorithms, making it harder for nonprofit messages to be seen without significant investment.

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In 2024, the answer lies in a strategic pivot towards content creation and content marketing – a move towards owned media. Let’s explore how investing in owned media not only circumvents the limitations of organic reach on social networks but also establishes a direct, unmediated connection with your audience.

This situation underscores the importance of investing in owned content. By developing blogs, newsletters, and other digital content, nonprofits create a stable and controlled space to convey their stories, missions, and calls to action, free from the unpredictability of social media algorithms and the crowded, competitive nature of these platforms.

Owned content is more than just a communication tool; it’s a strategic asset for nonprofits. It ensures a direct, unfiltered line of communication with the audience, fostering deeper and more meaningful engagement. When nonprofits control their content, they have complete command over their narrative, how it’s presented, and the experience it offers the audience. This autonomy allows organizations to create messages that resonate deeply with their supporters’ values and interests. Moreover, a strong content strategy doesn’t just draw new supporters; it nurtures loyalty among the existing base, transforming casual readers into committed advocates. 

“Creating content is often looked at as a ‘naughty phrase’ inside of our nonprofit hallways because it has a reputation of costing a lot, fundraising a little, and distracting the teams that should be doing the ‘other important tasks’ of communicating about our cause,” explained Casey Helmick, President of Terra Firma Audio. “And the truth is – those criticisms are often accurate! But for those nonprofits that can create vital content that your supporters rely on and look forward to, the sky is the limit. The ability to create a deeper relationship, through vital content, with your supporters has become the lifeblood of the modern nonprofit organization.” 

By building a robust content repository, nonprofits can establish their authority, demonstrate their impact, and cultivate trust, all of which are crucial in an environment where credibility and authenticity are invaluable.

How to Invest in More Owned Media

Before diving into content creation, it’s essential for nonprofits to craft a strategic content plan. This plan should align with the organization’s overall goals, mission, and the interests of its target audience. Start by defining your key messages, identifying the topics that will resonate with your audience, and setting clear objectives for what you want your content to achieve. Whether it’s raising awareness, driving donations, or recruiting volunteers, your content should have a purpose that ties back to your organizational goals.

Creating High-Quality, Relevant Content

The heart of your owned media strategy lies in the creation of high-quality, relevant content. This content should not only inform but also inspire and engage your audience. 

“When developing content, ask yourself, ‘is this something I’d read or watch? Is this something I’d find interesting?’ If not, your audiences probably won’t either,” explained nonprofit branding expert Chad DeMiguel. “Be relentless with your team in ensuring your content is providing real value to your donors – whether it’s informative, inspiring or entertaining. There’s too much noise in the world. Make sure you’re giving them something worth paying attention to.” 

Invest time in understanding what your audience cares about and how your organization’s work aligns with those interests. Use storytelling to share success stories, case studies, or beneficiary testimonials that bring your mission to life. Remember, content can take many forms – from blog posts and articles to videos, podcasts, and infographics. Diversify your content formats to cater to different preferences and increase engagement.

Optimizing for Search Engines

To ensure that your content reaches the widest possible audience, it’s crucial to optimize it for search engines. This practice, known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), involves using targeted keywords, crafting compelling meta descriptions, and structuring your content in a way that’s favored by search engine algorithms. SEO helps improve the visibility of your content in search engine results, driving organic traffic to your website and increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Promoting Content Across Channels

Creating great content is just the beginning. To maximize its impact, promote your content across multiple channels. This includes your organization’s website, email newsletters, and social media platforms. Sharing your content across different channels not only increases its reach but also provides multiple touchpoints for your audience to engage with your organization. Additionally, consider leveraging partnerships or collaborations with other organizations, influencers, or media outlets to further amplify your content’s reach.

Measuring and Adapting

Finally, it’s vital to measure the performance of your content and use those insights to refine your strategy. Track key metrics such as page views, engagement rates, and conversion rates to understand how your content is performing. Pay attention to audience feedback and be prepared to adapt your content strategy based on what’s resonating with your audience. Continuously refining your approach will ensure that your owned media strategy remains effective and aligned with your organization’s evolving goals and the changing interests of your audience.

Investing in owned media is a powerful way for nonprofits to build a direct, lasting connection with their audience. By developing a strategic content plan, creating high-quality content, optimizing for search engines, promoting across channels, and continuously measuring and adapting, nonprofits can effectively leverage their owned media to advance their mission and achieve their fundraising goals.