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How to Grow Your Employee Corporate Matching Program

If you work in fundraising, then you know that employer corporate matching program gifts are a great way to increase donations. However, getting donors to actually take advantage of these programs can be a challenge. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to get your donors to give through employer corporate matching program gifts.

Create a Compelling Communications Plan for Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is an annual event that takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It’s a day dedicated to charitable giving, and it’s a great way for nonprofits to boost year-end donations. But how do you make sure your Giving Tuesday communications stand out from the crowd?

5 Lessons for Nonprofits from Good to Great

In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins lays out a framework that organizations can use to achieve long-term success. Though the book was written with businesses in mind, the principles outlined therein are just as applicable to nonprofits. Here are five key takeaways from Good to Great that fundraising professionals can use to build sustained success for their organizations.

7 Tips to Recruit Volunteers for Your Next Donor Event

Volunteers are the lifeblood of many nonprofits. They provide the extra manpower needed to pull off large events, like galas and concerts. Find out how to get enough volunteers for your next event.

How to Raise Money on Twitter

Twitter can be a great tool for fundraising, but only if it’s used correctly. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use twitter to raise money for your cause.

10 Questions Donors Should Ask Nonprofits

As a donor, you have the power to make a real difference in the world. But how can you be sure that your donation is going to have the maximum impact? Here are 10 questions donors should ask nonprofits before making a donation.

6 Ways to Get Your Board Involved with Year-End Fundraising

As the end of the year approaches, many nonprofits ramp up their fundraising efforts. And while board members can be some of the biggest advocates and supporters of your organization, they may not always be clear on how they can best help during this critical time.

8 Things Every New Major Donor Fundraiser Should Do Next (Part 2)

Congratulations on your new position as a major donor fundraiser! Learn 8 more tips for success.

13 Mistakes Major Donor Reps Make

As a fundraiser, your job is to secure major gifts from individuals who are able and willing to make large financial contributions to your organization. It’s a big responsibility, and one that comes with its own unique set of challenges. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at thirteen of the most common mistakes major donor reps make, and how you can avoid them.

10 Proven Ways to Craft High Performing Year-End Emails

Year-end giving is crucial for many nonprofits—in fact, according to Nonprofit Tech for Good, 31% of all annual giving occurs in December. So how can you make sure your emails stand out and persuade donors to give?

12 Best Practices to Help You Write Successful Email Appeals

Email appeals are a vital tool in any fundraiser’s toolkit. They provide an easy and affordable way to reach large numbers of supporters with your message. Here are 12 best practices to help you write great email appeals that will engage and inspire your supporters.

5 Reasons to Send a Plain Text Email

Inboxes are overflowing. Email subscribers are overwhelmed. And message fatigue is real. So how do you cut through the noise and make sure your important fundraising messages are getting read? By sending plain text emails.

How to Start a Recurring Giving Program in 5 Easy Steps

Want to accelerate your revenue growth? I’ll share THE fundraising program you need to start or grow.

How to Ask for Money

Asking donors for money can be one of the most daunting tasks of a fundraiser. After all, no one wants to be rejected or made to feel like they are being taken advantage of. However, asking for donations is a necessary part of the job, and there are ways to do it effectively. Here are some tips on how to ask a donor for money in a way that is respectful and likely to result in a donation.

7 Essentials for a Great Annual Report

Your annual report is one of the most important pieces of fundraising collateral that you produce. It provides donors with a snapshot of your organization’s work and impact over the past year, and it is an essential tool for building relationships and soliciting financial support. But what good is an annual report if no one reads it?

Episode 39 – How do I choose an email service provider?

An email service provider (ESP) is a company that enables organizations to send out mass emails.  If you’ve ever signed up for a newsletter or clicked “subscribe” to receive updates from a website, chances are you’ve used an ESP. Learn how to pick the right ESP.

6 Steps to Build Trust with Your Donors

As a fundraiser, one of your primary goals is to build trust with your donors. But what does that mean, exactly? And how can you go about doing it?

6 Steps to Creating a More Effective Email Appeal

Early on at a large nonprofit I worked for, we struggled to generate much revenue from our email appeals. In this blog post, you’ll learn the 6 steps necessary to create great email appeals.

8 Things Every New Major Donor Fundraiser Should Do First (Part 1)

As a fundraiser, you know how important it is to secure major gifts from top donors. But what’s the best way to go about doing this? Here are eight things every new major donor fundraiser should do.

50 Fundraising Landing Page Calls to Action (CTAs)

If you’re looking to raise money for your organization, then you need a fundraising landing page. Learn 50 great calls to action you can use to increase conversions on your landing pages.

8 Steps to Creating Urgency in Your Fundraising Appeal

Creating a sense of urgency in your appeal messaging will help move readers to become donors.

7 Tips for a Great Nonprofit Annual Report

Creating an annual report that is irresistible to your nonprofit’s stakeholders is definitely a challenge, but it’s not impossible. In fact, by following these seven secrets, you’ll be well on your way to putting together a report that will capture everyone’s attention!

4 Keys to Getting Better Results from Your Fundraising Testing

As a nonprofit fundraiser, you know that successful fundraising requires strategic planning and effort. But what if you could increase your chances of success by using a data-driven approach?

Go from Good to Great with Your Fundraising Emails

Let’s explore the basics of writing great fundraising emails that convert.